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Now downloading free:SONY RA-3 Chassis and Direct View WEGA Television Alignment Course

SONY RA-3 Chassis and Direct View WEGA Television Alignment Course free download

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Descr:Training Manual for RA-3 Chassis and Direct View WEGA Television Alignment Course Circuit Description and Troubleshooting
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S ® Lab Manual RA-3 Chassis and Direct View WEGATM Television Alignment Course Alignment Lab Course: TVP-09 Sony Service Company A Division of Sony Electronics Inc ©1999 All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. S is a trademark of Sony Electronics Alignment Lab Models: KV-20FV10 KP-43T70 Prepared by: National Training Department Sony Service Company A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Course presented by _____________________________________ Date___________________________________________________ Student Name ___________________________________________ Table of Contents Lab A (Based on model KV20FV10) Objective 1. Pre-Lab Preparation 2. Precautions 3. Rear Panel Removal and Generator Connection 4. Yoke Support Removal 5. Beam Landing / Purity 6. Picture Geometry - Yoke Adjustment 7. Convergence Convergence - Presetting the TV video levels and yoke controls Convergence - Adjusting the Electrical VStat Control Convergence - Adjusting the Yoke Tabs Convergence - Adjusting the Yoke Controls Convergence - Corner Convergence 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 11 14 8. Picture Geometry - Service Mode Adjustments Vertical Adjustments Horizontal Adjustments 14 14 15 9. Using the Memory Transfer Reader / Writer Addendum 1 - 27"-32" Adjustments Addendum 2 - Service Mode Item List Addendum 3 - Service Bulletin 387R2 Lab B (Based on model KP43T70) Objective 1. The New Service Mode 2. Positioning the Yoke 3. Focus Adjustment Spot Shape Electrical Focus Mechanical Focus 17 20 22 24 31 31 31 34 35 35 36 37 4. Coarse Convergence Setting the Video Levels 37 38 Check of Internal Reference Data Set the Green Geometry Superimpose the Red over the Green Superimpose the Blue over the Green Making the Cursor Data Visible Enter the Fine Convergence Mode Converge Red in the Cursor Area 38 39 42 46 47 47 48 5. Defocusing the Blue Color Change the Picture Mode to VIVID Shut Off the Red and Green Colors from the Service Mode Adjust the Blue Electronic Focus Control so the Dot is a Specified Diameter Return the Red and Green Colors 48 49 49 49 50 6. Updating the Flash Focus Memory Appendix: Convergence Using Default Data Install the Preset Convergence Data Install the Coarse Green Geometry Data Installing the Fine Green Geometry Data Sony's Authorized Service Website 50 i i i ii iv TVP-09 Lab A (Based on model KV20FV10) Three technicians per TV. The first person reads while the second performs the adjustments. The third will assist both partners. Later when instructed in the text, the lab partners will rotate positions. Objective The purpose of this lab is to teach you about the new flat screen TV adjustment procedures. You will apply these procedures when you replace a picture tube or yoke. After replacement, degaussing, beam landing, geometry and convergence will be necessary. Degaussing is done with the internal degaussing coil. A 20" direct view TV flat screen WEGATM TV will be used to teach these adjustment procedures. The Sony 27" and larger WEGATM TVs have a

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