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File name:Fujitsu Service Bulletin PDP-0068-01.pdf
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Size:163 kB
Model:42 inch Plasma 🔎
Descr:Fujitsu Service Bulletin PDP-0068-01. Checks to main processor board re picture shutdown - Continous flashing red led indicator front panel.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Fujitsu Service Bulletin PDP-0068-01.pdf

SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT : MODEL : Plasmavision Any model using IC socket on the Main Digital PCB Preventive measure for solder crazing/breaking on the IC socket ISSUED : DEC / 27 / 2006 REF.NO. : PDP-0068-01 353 Rt 46 West Fairfield NJ 07004 TEL : 866-952-8324 FAX : 973-836-0449 PAGE 1/2 FUJITSU GENERAL AMERICA SUBJECT : 1. Outline In order to prevent solder on the IC socket (on the Main Digital PCB) from breaking or crazing, apply such preventive measure in the following page. If the solder breaks, errors ("No picture", "Grid line", "Abnormal tone", etc.) could occur. "Shut down" as well. When such errors, check the solder at IC socket on the Main Digital PCB, and if you find any sold break, change the Main Digital PCB. (Send the broken PCB back to FGCS for analysis) 2. Applicable Models PDS4211WH/EH/JH/ Z01/Z02 PDS4213EH/WH/WS/ JH/Z01/Z02/Z03/Z04 PDS4214ES/WS PDS4230WS PDS4241EH/WH/JH/JS PDS5002ES/US/WS PDS6101EH/ES/KS/ WH/WS/JH P42VCA20UH/WH/JH P42VHA21EH/WH P50XHA10AS/ES/KS/ US/WS/JS P42VCA30AH/EH/WH/JH P42HHA30AS/ES/WK/ WS/JS P55XHA30AS/ES/WS/JS PDS4212WH/EH PDS4208EB/WB PDS4209UB PDS4233EH/ES/KS/ WH/WS/JS/JH/JMH PDS4242ES/KS/WS/Z02 PDS5003EH/ES/KS/ UH/US/WH/WS/JH P42HHA10AS/ES/KS/ WS/JS P42VCA21EH/UH/WH/JH P50XCA11AH/EH/UH/ WH/JH HE4VS01E01 P42VHA30AS/CS/ES/ WK/WS/JS P50XCA30EH/WH/JH P63XHA30AS/ES/WS/JS PDS4221EH/ES/WH/ WS/JH/JS/Z01 PDS4222EH/ES/WS PDS4229EB/WS/WB/JB PDS4234ES/WS PDS5001EH/ES/KS/ UH/US/WH/WS/JH PDS5004ES/US/WS P42HCA11AH/EH/WH/JH P42VHA20AS/CS/ES/ KS/US/WS/JS P50XCA10UH/JH P42VHA31EH P42HCA30WH/JH P50XHA30AS/CS/ES/ WK/WS/JS P-SU4H10AS/ES/WS P-TU4H30AS/ES/WS SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT : MODEL : Plasmavision Any model using IC socket on the Main Digital PCB Preventive measure for solder crazing/breaking on the IC socket ISSUED : DEC / 27 / 2006 REF.NO. : PDP-0068-01 353 Rt 46 West Fairfield NJ 07004 TEL : 866-952-8324 FAX : 973-836-0449 PAGE 2/2 FUJITSU GENERAL AMERICA SUBJECT : 3. Method of Preventative measure 1. Unlock the cover of the IC socket. (Make it slide along the arrow using small flat head screwdrivers) Then, take the cover down. 2. Solder 4 fixing points on the IC socket. (Pay attention so as not to overheat them because the socket melts) Do not cover up the 4 slots with solder, where the cover of IC socket is caught in. 3. After the solder cools enough, put the cover and mark it with black marker [ (Confirm that the cover is fixed firmly by 4 slots.) ]. - End -

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