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File name:Fujitsu Service Bulletin PDP-0035-06.part1.rar
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Model:42 inch Plasma 🔎
Original:P42Hxxxxxx 🔎
Descr:Fujitsu Service Bulletin Main Power PCB PDP-0035-06 - Pwr Supply Shutdown - Continous flashing front panel red led.
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File name Fujitsu Service Bulletin PDP-0035-06.pdf

SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT: MODEL: SUBJECT: Plasmavision H2 panel models Electric components modification ISSUED: REF.NO.: MAR/16/2004 PDP-0035-06 PAGE 1/5 FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED 1116, SUENAGA, TAKATSU-KU KAWASAKI, KANAGAWA 213-8502 JAPAN TEL: 81-44-861-4001 FAX: 81-44-861-9895 1. Description of trouble RED LED continuous blinking Power supply sometimes cuts. 2. Fault Location IC804 of Main Power PCB IC142 of Main Power PCB Resistor (1W, 1/2W, 1/4W) solder crack of Main Power PCB The noise does overlay to the VCC power supply of IC804 and it damages IC804. IC142 is destroyed due to the solder crack of the chip resistor. 3. Cause 4. Applicable Models P42HHA10WS P42HHA10ES P42HHA10AS P42HHA10KS P42HHS10WS P42HCA10WS P42HCA11WS P42HHS10ES P42HCA10ES P42HCA11ES P42HHS10AS P42HCA11AS 5. Method of measures Please surely execute 2 preventive maintenance. The capacity of C836 is changed and the noise is removed. 1. Preventive maintenance The capacitor with the lead is added to C836 of Main Power PCB. For the prevention of the solder crack, solder is added. 2. Preventive maintenance Solder is added. R38, R39, R122, R123, R142, R143, R154, R155, R501, R583 R584, R632, R633, R634, R162 Each terminal of IC121, IC141, IC142 3. A case of LED lamp blinking Please exchange 1,2(Preventive maintenance) and IC804. Details : to next page. 6. Additional measures Please execute preventive measures also because abnormality is seen in the shape of waves at the start. Parts are exchanged 1. R147 0.15W 2. R165 0.12W 3. R157 1.8kW 4. D145 ECSF56 5. D152 ECSF56 6. C148 FGCS will supply it 0.22W (Cement resistance) 0.15W (Cement resistance) 2.7kW (Carbon resistance) EC11FS2 EC11FS2 C148 (Same part of New one) 7. Modification parts SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT: SUBJECT: Plasmavision Electric components modification MODEL: H2 panel models ISSUED: REF.NO.: MAR/16/2004 PDP-0035-06 PAGE 2/5 FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED 1116, SUENAGA, TAKATSU-KU KAWASAKI, KANAGAWA 213-8502 JAPAN TEL: 81-44-861-4001 FAX: 81-44-861-9895 Details Method of measures 1.Main Power PCB is removed. 2.The capacitor with the lead is added to C836(chip capacitor) of the Main Power PCB. been * If IC804 hasfor newdamaged, exchanges IC. It confirms whether soldering capacitor and IC is correct. Shorten the Condenser foot as much as possible. 002A 007A 3.Change the Main Power PCB Version to 007A. 4.Paste the tuck label of green. 5.Paste the tuck label to the lower right of device version label. SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT: SUBJECT: Plasmavision Electric components modification MODEL: H2 panel models ISSUED: REF.NO.: MAR/16/2004 PDP-0035-06 PAGE 3/5 FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED 1116, SUENAGA, TAKATSU-KU KAWASAKI, KANAGAWA 213-8502 JAPAN TEL: 81-44-861-4001 FAX: 81-44-861-9895 SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT: SUBJECT: Plasmavision Electric components modification MODEL: H2 panel models ISSUED: REF.NO.: MAR/16/2004 PDP-0035-06 PAGE 4/5 FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED 1116, SUENAGA, TAKATSU-KU KAWASAKI, KANAGAWA 213

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