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File name:Fujitsu Main Digital IC352 PDP-0040-01.pdf
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Size:78 kB
Model:42 inch Plasma 🔎
Descr:Fujitsu Service Bulletin PDP-0040-01. Checks to main digital board re picture shutdown - Continous flashing red led indicator front panel.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Fujitsu Main Digital IC352 PDP-0040-01.pdf

SERVICE BULLETIN PRODUCT: Plasmavision MODEL: P42HHA10W SUBJECT: Electric components modification ISSUED: REF.NO.: 19/JUN/2004 PDP-0040-01 PAGE 1/1 FUJITSU GENERAL AMERICA 353 ROUTE 46 WEST FAIRFIELD, NJ 07004 EM: [email protected] TEL: 973-575-0381 FAX: 973-836-0449 1. Symptom No Power (RED LED 4 times blinking) 2. Reason Trouble of IC352 of Main/Digital PCB. The wire bonding inside IC352 is disconnected and the voltage is not output. 3. Applicable Models IC352 Lot No. P2 needs to be replaced Part# 015Y3H. Model Serial No. P42HHA10WS 3000001 3001509 Lot No. 1 Pin 5 Pin 4. Method of measures Judgment of IC352. 1) LED blinks 4 times when IC352 has a trouble. 2) If 2.5V is input and 1.5V is not output, IC352 is defective. Input : 1 pin Output : 2 pin GND : 3 pin Note : Exchange IC352 with lot P2 at the same time when repairing other troubles. - END -

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