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Yorkville ef500p free download

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SERVICE MANUAL ef500p WEB ACCESS: WORLD HEADQUARTERS CANADA U.S.A. Yorkville Sound Yorkville Sound Inc. 550 Granite Court 4625 Witmer Industrial Estate Pickering, Ontario Niagara Falls, New York L1W-3Y8 CANADA 14305 USA Voice: (905) 837-8481 Voice: (716) 297-2920 Fax: (905) 837-8746 Fax: (716) 297-3689 Quality and Innovation Since 1963 Printed in Canada Manual-Service-ef500p-1v0.pdf IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS EF500P.xls Parts List 10/7/2002 YS # Description Qty. YS # Description Qty. YS # Description Qty. 5906 RED 3MM LED 1V9 20MA .4SPCER T&R 1 5281 _10U 16V 20%CAP T&R RAD .2"NP 1 4923 1/4W 680R 5% .2"U T&R RES 1 5907 YEL 3MM LED 1V9 20MA .4SPCER T&R 1 5945 _10U 63V 20%CAP T&R RAD .2"EL 3 4925 1/4W 820R 5% .2"U T&R RES 1 5908 GRN 3MM LED 1V9 20MA .4SPCER T&R 1 5631 _22U 50V 20%CAP T&R 6X7MM .2"EL 4 4934 1/4W 1K 5% .2"U T&R RES 1 6825 1N4148 75V 0A45 DIODE T&R 21 5961 _33U 16V 20%CAP T&R RAD .2"NP 6 4981 1/4W 1K 5%MINI T&R RES 14

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