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Descr:fme15 graphic eq
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File name fme15man equaliser 15band.pdf

OPERATING / SERVICE MANUAL QUICK START For many of you, reading an owner's manual is about as insulting as using training wheels on your first two-wheeler. We therefore offer the following Quick Start section which outlines the basics of the FME 15 so briefly it counts only as familiarization material, not training. Using the FME 15 in an insert loop of a mixer is extremely easy. Simply connect them together using a single stereo cable (¼" TRS) between the mixer's insert loop and the FME 15's PATCH I/O jack. This jack is wired for the tip=send, ring=return convention used by mixer manufacturers. Anyone familiar with other graphic equalizers will find this one just as familiar. One word of caution: the boost/cut RANGE switch drastically changes the impact of a given filter. Be careful. Set the IN and OUT GAIN controls to the same physical positions for unity gain through the equalizer. That is, moving both slider handles together (keeping them aligned) always maintains overall unity gain from input to output. Many strange gain structure conditions may be handled with these controls. See the Operating Instructions on the back page for more information. Most applications require only a few dB of boost or cut. Start with the RANGE switch in the ±6dB position, and increase to ±12dB only if necessary. Setting curves is as easy as it is on all Rane graphics thanks to our unique interpolating constant-Q circuitry. For more information on setting up your curves correctly, again, see the back page. NEVER CONNECT ANYTHING EXCEPT AN APPROVED RANE POWER SUPPLY TO THE RED THING THAT LOOKS LIKE A TELEPHONE JACK ON THE REAR OF THE FME 15. This is an AC input and requires special attention if you do not have an operational power supply EXACTLY like the one that was originally packed with your unit. See the full explanation of the power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual. FME 15 EQUALIZER SYSTEM CONNECTION When first connecting the FME 15 to other components, leave the power supply for last. This gives you a chance to make mistakes and correct them without damaging your fragile speakers, ears and nerves. INPUTS. All three Inputs are wired in parallel and are actively balanced (all Flex modules feature true instrumentation amplifier balanced inputs). Each works equally well. Choose strictly from a favorite hardware point-of-view, there will be no performance trade-offs. The wiring convention adheres to American, British and International standards of pin 2, "+", or tip being hot; pin 3, "­", or ring being return; and pin 1, COMMON GND, or sleeve being signal ground. Unbalanced operation involves using only pin 2, "+", or tip as signal; and pin 1, COMMON GND, or sleeve as ground. It is not necessary to short any terminals or pins to any others. Due to the true instrumentation nature of the inputs, there is no gain reduction if pin 3, or "­", is left open; however, if pin 3 gets shorted, it won't hurt anything either. Use pin 1, the shell, or the COMMON G
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