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OPERATING / SERVICE MANUAL QUICK START Operating Manuals! You can't live with them; you can't live without them. If you don't read them, the damn thing never works right; and if you do read them, you get so confused you never get it turned on! For you, we present the famous Quick Start section. Read this, and you get dessert. If you are using the FMM 42 as a master mixing module, connect the FLEX BUS OUT of the last mixing module to the FLEX BUS IN on the FMM 42 using the 7-pin DIN patch cable supplied. Aux bus program is routed through the AUX BUS level controls and then the AUX BUS LOOP jacks and into the MASTER A/B outputs. Insert your reverb, or any other signal processing unit, into the BUS LOOPS, by means of the tip=send, ring=return jacks. In addition to the BUS input, the FMM 42 has a MIC/LINE 1 input and a STEREO LINE 2 input. The MIC/LINE 1 input is equipped with a Ducking (attenuating) feature, allowing its use as a priority paging input. This allows voice or other signals to override or attenuate (duck) all other program routed through the FMM 42. The BUS THRU jack allows routing of the unaltered Flex bus material to another FMM 42 or other Flex bus equipped module. The FMM 42 may also be used stand-alone, without any bus inputs, as a straightforward background music/paging system or the like. In this case the AUX BUS LOOP jacks may be used as additional line inputs by using special ¼" TRS cables with tip left open, ring as signal hot and sleeve as ground. NEVER CONNECT ANYTHING EXCEPT AN APPROVED RANE POWER SUPPLY TO THE RED THING THAT LOOKS LIKE A TELEPHONE JACK ON THE REAR OF THE FMM 42. This is an AC input and requires special attention if you do not have an operational power supply EXACTLY like the one that was originally packed with your unit. See the full explanation of the power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual. FMM 42 MASTER MODULE SYSTEM CONNECTION When connecting the FMM 42 to other components in your system for the first time, LEAVE THE POWER SUPPLY FOR LAST. This gives you a chance to make mistakes and correct them without damage to your fragile speakers, ears and nerves. INPUTS. The MIC-LINE 1 INPUT on the FMM 42 is balanced. This means that standard 3-pin (XLR) connectors on the ends of any good quality cable work well with the FMM 42 and a microphone of your choice. In compliance with American, British and International standards, pin 2 is used for "hot" or "+" signal polarity, pin 3 is "return" or "­" and pin 1 is signal ground. For unbalanced inputs, drive pin 2 as hot and pin 1 as ground. It is not necessary to short pin 3 to ground on Flex series microphone inputs; however, it will not hurt anything, if you do. You may use either pin 1 or case for shield ground on the 3-pin input. (See Rane Note 110 for further information on this subject). If you are using the ¼" STEREO LINE 2 input, tip is Channel A, ring is Channel B and sleeve is ground. OUTPUTS. The FMM 42's Master Outputs are balanced. On these
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