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OPERATORS MANUAL MC 22 STEREO COMPRESSOR QUICK START Shredded, this document makes excellent packing material. In its present form, it makes interesting and useful reading. If you run out of patience quickly, at least read this part to make sure you don't exterminate everything within a two mile radius by doing something wrong. Attach one or two channels of inputs and outputs to the respective connectors on the rear. This device uses low impedance balanced line drivers. Do not connect the XLR "+" or "­" output pins to ground, as this may cause the power supply to shut down. For unbalanced use, leave the unused output pin ("+" or "­") unterminated. With the RATIO turned all the way down at 1:1, THRESHOLD turned all the way up to 20 dBu, and the LEVEL controls in their center at 0 dB, you have an expensive patch cord. While sending a signal to the MC 22, adjust the INPUT LEVEL so the +4 dBu LED lights occasionally, but the OL LED does not light. Now increase the RATIO to something useful, like 2:1 (with the control set at 2, the Ratio is 2:1; at 5, it is 5:1.) Adjust the THRESHOLD to the point you want the Compressor to kick in. The GAIN REDUCTION meter reads the amount of signal compression. Both Compressors will activate by the source material applied to either Channel if the LINK switch is ON. This is the preferred setting for stereo program material. WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts. Manual-1 COMPRESSOR ACTIVE/BYPASS switch This switch compares compressed and noncompressed signal. There is one for each Channel. The INPUT LEVEL remains active regardless of switch position. GAIN REDUCTION LEDs These LEDs show the amount of average signal reduction in dB. This aids in setting the THRESHOLD and RATIO controls by showing how much compression is occuring. THRESHOLD control This control sets the point at which the Input signal level causes the Compressor to become active. See Figure 1 on page Manual-4. INPUT LEVEL control This controls the overall level. Unity gain is reached at "0". With signal applied, set this control so the +4 dBu LED lights occasionally. If the OL (overload) LED flashes, turn the INPUT LEVEL control down. adx LED This illuminates whenever noise reduction is active. This automatic downward expander circuit acts like a gate to keep the system quiet when no signal is present. When the input level drops below -55 dBu, downward expansion occurs at a ratio of 2:1. See Figure 3 on page Manual-5. RATIO control Once the threshold is exceeded, the ratio of input change to output change is determined by this control. The compressor has no effect when set at 1:1. But at 10:1, it takes a 10 dB input signal increase above the Threshold to produce a 1 dB increase in Output Gain. See Figure 2 on page Manual-4. CHANNEL 2 OUTPUT Same as Channel 1 Output. CHANNEL 2 INPUT Same as Channel 1 Input. Manual-2 LINK switch Switch this to ON when using stereo material. This activates both Compressors when either Channel's sign
File name mc22sch compressor.pdf

C15 47pF R37 R72 20K +15 GND +15dB 3 .6 22/25 R136 20K GND -15 J1 XLR FEM 3 2 + - C56 22/25 R135 20K W1 .6 20K R147 6.81K GND R57 20K GND R39 GND 1 1 IN 1 OUT TL072 COMPRESSOR TO SHEET 2 W4 C57 COMPRESSOR IN/OUT S1A 2P2T +15 3 2 8 R2 2 Z1A R8 Z2A 1 TL072 C4 22/25 R59 100 R64 100K 8 1K R81 LEVEL 100KB DET -15dB 7 22/25 20K GND -15 C3 R42 9.09K 10K + 2 - 3 4 1 J3 XLR MALE -15 C13 R38 47pF 20K R63 10K C14 +15 47pF C1 330pF 6 TL072 R71 1K 13 9.09K 10K R77 10K -5V 12 R3 3.74K 9 -1V R65 100K R79 1K GND + Z1B 4 5 GND GND 6 5 GND Z3B 7 TL072 GND J4 PHONO CHANNEL 1 OUT R1 R7 CHANNEL 1 IN GND J9 PHONO D1 R10 10K C21 1/35 GND GND 5817 GND 10 Z5D 14 TL074 R12 10K R 2 -15 OL D7 20K 3 GND 8 1 D9 R41 Z3A 1 TL072 C54 22/25 R143 100 R145 100K Z5C 8 TL074 R11 10K G 4 -15 -15 +4dBu R9 20K R148 20K GND R40 20K GND 47pF R139 20K GND 5 6 Z2B 7 TL072 C60 C5 22/25 R60 100 R137 100K GND C18 R43 R74 1K 10K GND 9.09K R5 R14 R82 LEVEL 100KB DET -15dB 2 +15dB 3 C2 330pF 6 Z4B 7 TL072 5 C6 22/25 R48 20K GND 20K 47pF +15 C58 22/25 R140 20K GND COMPRESSOR IN/OUT W17 S2A 2P2T W24 Z4A 1 .6 2 IN COMPRESSOR TO SHEET 2 .6 R45 20K R149 6.81K 3 2 +15 TL072 8 Z14A 1 C7 R61 8 22/25 C59 2 OUT TL072 22/25 -15 R141 20K GND -15 C16 100 R67 100K + 2 - 3 4 1 J5 XLR MALE 4 R58 20K GND -15 GND R44 20K R66 10K 47pF GND GND J6 PHONO 6 C17 5 Z8B 7 TL072 GND CHANNEL 2 OUT J2 XLR FEM 3 2 + - R73 1K 9.09K R4 R13 10K R78 10K 13 -5V 12 D2 5817 R6 3.74K R16 10K C22 1/35 -1V R68 100K GND GND + +15 47pF 14 R18 TL074 10K Z6D R D10 -15 OL 9 10 R80 1K GND R46 20K GND COMPRESSOR 100456-2.SCH POWER 100456-3.SCH R142 20K ACTION: GND R47 20K 2 3 GND Z6C 8 R17 TL074 10K G D8 -15 +4dBu 20K R150 20K GND 47pF GND R15 1 8 Z8A 1 TL072 C55 22/25 R144 100 R146 100K J10 PHONO GND 4 -15 5 6 Z14B 7 TL072 C61 C8 22/25 CHANNEL 2 IN GND GND R62 100 R138 100K NOTES (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED): 1. ALL RESISTORS 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 2. ALL SWITCHES SHOWN IN THEIR 'OUT' OR 'OFF' POSITION NO CHANGE TO PART, NEW DOC# FJ 3FEB98 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SCHEM: L&R IN/OUT MC 22 3-Feb-1998 SKH 2-9-96 RGH 2-9-96 10802 47th Avenue West Mukilteo WA 98275-5098 SHEET: H:\MC22\100456-1.SCH 1 of 3 100456 +15 R98 10K 100K +15 R50 R49 100K COMP. LINK 5 R69 6 100K -40 R113 13.3K -15 R51 100K R52 100K 6 R28 10K 3 2 7 5 R109 12.4K R90 200K +15 R105 100KB R94 200 -15 GND GND 6 5 GND R54 +15 R75 1K GND 40.2K R100 +Vc 1 R91 200 GND R106 150K 100K W20 +15 .6 R53 100K COMP. R112 RATIO 12.4K TL074 1:1 => 10:1 13 R133 14 D6 100KB 12 Z12D COMP. 4148 R134 THRESHOLD 100KB +20 9 10 Z12C 8 R116 4.42K S3A 1P2T LINK 5 W18 R120 Z7B -15 R117 2.21K GND Z5B TL074 D3 R107 4148 4.75K C19 47pF R87 33.2K GND -Vc 2 GND C42 0.1 Z10B 7 TL074 GAIN REDUCTION -15 R102 13 10K 12 Z10D 14 R25 Y 0 R76 R93 -Vc 2 200 +15 GND 3 Z10A TL074 1 2 +20 R115 4.42K GND R101 4 1K 40.2K TH 2 I ref GND -15 CON 2 -Vc 2 11 1/2 SSM 2120 V+ C11 15 RATIO R110 1:1 => 10:1 12.4K 9 R131

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