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File name mh4man headphone amp.pdf

OPERATORS MANUAL MH 4 HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER QUICK START Conect the output from any stereo source such as a mixer or tape deck, and plug the left and right inputs into the respective INPUT jacks. The Inputs accept balanced or unbalanced sources. Just plug them in. This source is now routed to each of the four Outputs. For a single mono source feeding all headphones, connect it to either one of the INPUT jacks and engage the STEREO/ MONO switch. Set the CHANNEL LEVEL controls for individual headphone levels. Never connect anything except a Rane power supply to the thing that looks like a telephone jack on the rear of the unit. This is an AC input and requires special attention if you do not have a power supply exactly like the one originally packed with your unit. See the full explanation of the power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual. WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts. Manual-1 STEREO/MONO switch Converts the INPUTS from stereo to mono so that a single input cable drives both sides of the headphones. In some instances a STEREO program may be confusing for live monitoring purposes, and switching to MONO improves intelligibility by summing the Left and Right signals. OVERLOAD indicators The red LEDs light when the input signal exceeds the MH 4's output capability (3 dB below maximum). Occasional flickering is acceptable.The overload point automatically varies with the headphones used. Remote POWER supply input The unit is supplied from the factory with a Model RS 1 remote power supply suitable for connection to this input jack. The power requirements of the unit call for an 18 volt AC center-tapped transformer only. This is not a telephone jack. Never use a power supply with your unit other than the one supplied or a replacement approved by Rane Corporation. Using any other type of supply may damage the unit and void the warranty. Chassis ground point A screw is supplied for chassis grounding purposes. This unit comes with an outboard power supply which does not ground the chassis through the line cord. The MH 4 can be grounded either to another chassis which is earth grounded, or directly to the grounding screw on an AC outlet cover by means of a wire connected to this chassis grounding screw. Manual-2 PHONE Output jacks These stereo ¼" TRS jacks accept standard ¼" TRS stereo headphone plugs. Individual LEVEL controls These control the volume for each set of headphones as they are driven from the INPUTS. It's always a good idea to keep this control turned down before plugging in a pair of phones, then turn it up slowly. POWER switch and LED Your basic, straightforward power switch. When the yellow LED is lit, the MH 4 is ready to go. INPUT jacks These are automatic balanced/unbalanced Inputs, which accept either a ¼" TRS (TipRing-Sleeve) plug for balanced operation, or a ¼" TS (Tip-Sleeve) plug for unbalanced operation. A balanced line is best when connecting a cable over 10 feet in length. You do nothing differ
File name mh4sch headphone amp.pdf

C5 R31 100K OL 1A B++ 22pF 1 4580 R56 7 4580 R46 100K B++ 22pF 2 R2B 10KA LEVEL C8 3 4 22/25 R24 20K GND C13 R35 R48 100K B++ 2 R3B 10KA LEVEL C12 8 C25 OL 3A 22pF GND B-5 6 Z4B 7 4580 Z4A 1 4580 R60 82 1/2W R61 82 1/2W C15 22/25 GND R3A 10KA LEVEL C14 R36 5.11K GND C23 OL 2A 82 1/2W C11 22/25 GND R2A 10KA LEVEL C10 R34 5.11K 82 1/2W R57 GND R1A 10KA LEVEL C6 22/25 R23 20K GND C3 22/25 R1B 10KA LEVEL C4 3 4 Z2A B-22/25 GND 6 GND C9 R33 22/25 5.11K GND 8 R22 20K Z2B 5 2 22/25 GND C21 5.11K R44 R32 22/25 5.11K GND Z1B 4580 R19 2K 7 C7 R45 100K B++ 2 3 8 C22 22pF Z3A 4 1 4580 B-5 6 Z3B 7 4580 R47 100K B++ C24 22pF 6 R5 R13 10K B+ GND 3 8 C1 330pF 2 4 4580 2K Z1A R6 R10 9.09K 10K 1K R14 B1 R9 9.09K OL 1B RIGHT INPUT 1K TRS JACK J1 CW + R18 CW 8 5 R58 82 1/2W R59 GND 82 1/2W CH 1 + - J3 TRS JACK OL 2B 2 8 GND CW 3 22/25 R25 20K 5 GND 6 Z5A 4 1 4580 B-7 Z5B 4580 R49 100K B++ C26 22pF CW MONO SOURCE S1B 2P2T R62 82 1/2W R63 82 1/2W CH 2 + - J4 TRS JACK 22/25 5.11K GND OL 3B 2 8 GND CW 4 4580 22/25 B-R26 20K GND GND C17 5 6 R37 Z7B 7 4580 R64 82 1/2W R65 82 1/2W R50 GND 22/25 R27 20K CW 4 3 Z7A 1 3 Z8A 1 4580 B-5 GND 6 Z8B 7 4580 C19 R38 R51 R66 R7 R11 9.09K B+ GND 3 8 C2 330pF 2 4 4580 Z6A 1 R20 2K 10K R15 82 1/2W R67 LEFT INPUT 1K TRS JACK J2 + - 82 1/2W CH 3 + C28 22/25 5.11K GND R21 2K 100K B++ 2 R4B 10KA LEVEL C16 3 8 C27 OL 4A 22pF 22/25 5.11K GND R4A 10KA LEVEL C18 100K B++ 22pF J5 TRS JACK OL 4B 2 8 GND CW GND 1K 9.09K 10K R8 R12 R16 B- Z9A 1 3 Z10A 1 CW 4 4580 B-R68 22/25 R28 20K GND 5 6 Z6B 7 4580 C20 22/25 ACTION: 5 6 GND Z9B 7 4580 NOTES (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED): 1. ALL RESISTORS 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 2. ALL SWITCHES SHOWN IN THEIR 'OUT' OR 'OFF' POSITION 82 1/2W R69 82 1/2W GND 22/25 R29 20K GND 4 4580 B-5 6 Z10B 7 4580 R70 82 1/2W R71 CH 4 82 1/2W + - J6 TRS JACK GND OVERLOAD/POWER SUPPLY H:\MH4\100460-2.SCH DRAWN BY: H:\MH4\100460-1.SCH 15-Dec-1997 CHECKED BY: 10802 47th Avenue West Mukilteo WA 98275-5098 MH 4 INPUTS/OUTPUTS SHEET: SKH 11MAR96 RGH 23MAR96 1 of 2 100460 OVERLOAD CIRCUIT B++ R17 15.8K 9 D1 OL 1A 4148 D2 R52 100K GND B+ 11 D3 OL 2A 4148 D4 R53 100K GND D9 5 D5 OL 3A 4148 D6 R54 CT DECOUPLING CAPS Z11C LM339 C47 0.1 C48 0.1 5.11K D13 C49 0.1 C50 0.1 C51 0.1 C42 0.1 C43 0.1 C44 0.1 C45 0.1 14 R39 OL R 8 B++ OL 1B 4148 B-- 10 LM339 5.11K D14 Z11D 13 R40 OL R C46 0.1 C41 0.1 B- OL 2B 4148 S2A 2P2T POWER SUPPLY B++ R76 4004 D10 4 LM339 5.11K D15 Z11B 2 R41 OL R B+ 100 C31 2200/16 J7 1 2 3 4 5 6 C29 0.01 4004 + C33 2200/16 AC AC + C35 2200/16 + C37 2200/16 + C39 0.1 OL 3B 4148 100K B++ GND 3 R43 5.11K C52 47/25 + 7 R30 20K OL 4A 4148 D8 R55 B-4148 100K GND 12 OL 4B LM339 5.11K GND D7 6 Z11A 1 D16 R42 OL R CT C30 0.01 MOD JACK D11 4004 D12 4004 S2B C32 2200/16 + Y C34 2200/16 + C36 2200/16 + C38 2200/16 + C40 0.1 D17 PWR GND C53 47/25 + R77 100 B- B-- ACTION: MH 4 OL/PWR SUPPLY DRAWN BY:

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