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1. WARRANTY EXPLANATION Rane offers a limited warranty which covers both parts and labor necessary to repair any defects in the manufacturing of the MM 12. The warranty period for the MM 12 is two (2) years, and is determined from either of these two methods, whichever is longer: l. Starting from the date of retail purchase as noted on either the sales slip from an authorized Rane dealer, or on the warranty registration card sent in to the factory, or: 2.Starting from the date of manufacture which is coded on both the inside and outside of the MM 12 chassis, in case the sales slip or warranty card is not available. If you send in the registration card or retain your sales slip as proof of purchase, you will receive a full two (2) year warranty period from the date of purchase regardless of the date of manufacture. If you do not send in the registration card ("I forgot.."), or you do not have a sales slip from an authorized Rane dealer ("My cat ate it.."), the MM 12 will be underwarranty only within two (2) years from the date of manufacture. All registered warranties are tracked by SERIAL NUMBER, not by owner. Once your MM 12 is registered it will be covered the full two (2) years regardless of any change in ownership. Should you encounter any problems with the MM 12 be sure to contact either your local Rane dealer or the Rane factory before taking the MM 12 anywhere for repairs. We will help you to identify and locate any specific malfunctions, possibly avoid needless shipment, or instruct you as to the speediest method for authorized repair. If you must send the MM 12 to the factory or warranty station, BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. YOUR COMPLETE NAME AND SHIPPING ADDRESS. 2. THE SERIAL NUMBER OF YOUR MM 12. 3. A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF ANY AND ALL PROBLEMS YOU ARE EXPERIENCING WITH THE MM 12. Never ship the MM 12 in any shipping carton other than the original or a replacement supplied by Rane. Ship only by a reputable carrier-we do not recommend parcel post due to a high incidence of damage or loss. Be sure to insure the package for the full replacement value. Note: Be sure to remove the MM 12 from any rack or carrying case prior to shipment to the factory or a warranty station, otherwise you will be charged for the additional time to remove and reinstall the unit If you need further assistance concerning the repair, installation or operation of your MM 12 please feel free to contact Rane galactic headquarters at Rane Corporation 10802 47th Ave. W. Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425)355-6000 II. FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION 1. POWER SWITCH: The adjacent yellow LED will light when power to the MM 12 is turned on by means of this switch. 2. INPUTS: These automatic balanced/unbalanced three-pin jacks are to be used for both microphone or line level inputs. Rane adheres to the international standard pin configuration. which is: Pin I: Case ground. Pin 2: Hot (signal). Pin 3: Circuit ground. 3. PATCH OUTPUTS: The MM 12 provides a hard
File name mm12sch mixer.pdf

VI. SERVICE INFORMATION CAUTION: MM 12 service information is included for use only by qualified technical service personnel. There are no user serviceable parts in the MM 12. VI-l. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE. 1. To gain access to ail internal assemblies. remove the rear pan as follows: set the MM 12 on the bench top with the front panel facing up and the LINE CORD UNPLUGGED FROM ANY AC OUTLET. Remove the 16 phillips #6-32 thread-forming screws from the outside perimeter of the front panel. 2. Lift the front panel assembly upward out of the pan and flip it over TO YOUR LEFT and lay it face down (on the knobs) on the bench right next to the pan. There is enough service loop in the line cord to allow this. 3. To completely remove the pan from the front panel assembly, remove the two phillips screws from the line cord retaining tab on the pan. Then pull the line cord and plug inward through the hole in the pan. VI-2. GENERAL SERVICE PROCEDURE 1. PCB Component Replacement Due to the shallow depth of the PCBs, there should rarely be a need to remove one of these boards completely for servicing. PCB components may be replaced with the PCBs in place, using a desoldering tool and needlenose pliers (solder-wick may be used in place of a desoldering tool). 2. Replacing Broken or Defective Pots. Remove the knobs and shaft nuts (use 10mm nut driver) from all of the pots on that circuit board. Gently pull the PCB up from the front panel as far as the slack in the buss wires will allow. Now desolder and replace the defective pot 3. Complete removal of a Circuit Board. Remove the knobs and shaft nuts from all the pots on that board. Then cut each of the stranded buss wires ON THE FOIL SIDE ONLY, right next to the foil solder joint Then desolder the foil connections and pull the remaining buss wires out of the PCB holes. The PCB may now be completely removed. To replace, insert the board and tighten the shaft nuts. Reposition the buss wires in the PCB holes and resolder in place. VI-3. SCHEMATICS AND ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS.

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