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DATA SHEET General Description The Rane MS 1 Mic Stage preamplifier provides the answer when you need just one microphone input in an otherwise line-level world. Give us a call to go from either a dynamic, condenser or electret microphone to a line level input with a minimum of noise, distortion, cost and hassle. The MS 1 provides 48 V switchable Phantom Power with indicator LED, continuous rotary Gain trim between 21.5 dB and 60 dB, overload LED, and XLR balanced Input & Output connectors. A Phase Invert switch and high-current crosscoupled output line drivers round out the features. The MS 1 utilizes one of the finest ultra low noise amplifier designs available. Featuring a true differential input with high common-mode rejection, use of the MS 1 guarantees performance usually found only in mixing consoles costing thousands of times as much. Of course, for all of that extra money you receive a proportional increase in KPSI (knobs per square inch). MS 1 MICROPHONE STAGE Features · Gain Control with Overload Indicator · Phase Invert Switch · Switchable 48V Phantom Power · Ultra Low Noise Design Parameter Input Impedance Gain Range Phantom Power Max Input Level Equivalent Input Noise Signal-To-Noise Ratio Frequency Response THD+Noise IM Distortion (SMPTE) Slew Rate Max Output Level Output Impedance Output Cable Length Unit: Agency Listing ...120 VAC model ...230 VAC model Power Supply: Agency Listing ...120 VAC model ...230 VAC model ...100 VAC model Power Supply Input Max Current Consumption Unit Size ...Weight Shipping Size ...Weight · True Differential Input · Cross-Coupled Line Driver · UL/CSA/CE and 100/120/230 VAC Remote Power Supply Limit 1% 1.5 4% 1 2 typ 0.1 .001 .002 1 1 1% typ Units W dB VDC dBu dBu dB dB % % V/µs dBu W Conditions/Comments Balanced 500 + 500 DIN 45596 & IEC 268-15 21.5/60 dB gain 20k BW, 60/21.5 dB gain, Rs=150 ohms 20k BW, 21.5/60dB gain -3 dB @ 130/90 kHz, 21.5/60 dB gain +20 dBu, 20-20 kHz, 21.5/60 dB gain 60 Hz/7 kHz, 4:1, +20 dBu Fully symmetrical Balanced out, 600 ohms Balanced Belden 8451 or equivalent National Electrical Code Exempt Class 2 equipment EMC directive 89/336/EEC Exempt per Art. 1, LVD 73/23/EEC Class 2 Equipment File no. E88261 File no. LR58948 EMC directive 89/336/EEC LV directive 73/23/EEC Japan only Rane RS 1 supplied with MS 1 (4.2 cm x 13 cm x 10.8 cm) (0.45 kg) (9.5 cm x 30 cm x 18 cm) (1.8 kg) Specification 1k +21.5 to +60 +48 0/-38 -130/-117 102/75 (re +4 dBu) 20-20 kHz 0.007/.03 0.008 6 +20 50 1000' (305 m) Class 2 Equipment UL & CSA CE-EMC CE-Safety UL CSA CE-EMC CE-Safety Built to JIS 18 VAC w/center tap 220 1.65" H x 5.1" W x 4.25" D 1 lb 3.6" H x 11.75" W x 7.2" D 4 lb 10% Vrms mA Data Sheet-1 MS 1 MICROPHONE STAGE Block Diagram Application Information Uses and applications for the MS 1 should be obvious. But then again, its obvious to us our taxes are too high and nothing is being done about that. With this in mind, perhaps a few
File name ms1 sch mic stage preamp.pdf

File name ms1a dat mic stage preamp.pdf

DATA SHEET MS 1a MICROPHONE STAGE General Description The Rane MS 1a Mic Stage preamplifier provides the answer when you need just one microphone input in an otherwise line-level world. Give us a call to go from either a dynamic, condenser or electret microphone to a line-level input with a minimum of noise, distortion, cost and hassle. The MS 1a provides 48 V switchable Phantom Power with indicator LED, continuous rotary Gain trim between 21.5 dB and 66 dB, Signal/Overload LED, and XLR balanced Input & Output connectors. A Polarity switch and high-current crosscoupled output line driver round out the features. The MS 1a utilizes one of the finest ultra low noise amplifier designs available. Featuring a true differential input with high common-mode rejection, use of the MS 1a guarantees performance usually found only in mixing consoles costing thousands of times as much. Of course, for all of that extra money you receive a proportional increase in KPSI (knobs per square inch). Features · · · · Gain Control Signal and Overload Indicators Polarity Switch Switchable 48 V Phantom Power · · · · Ultra Low Noise Design True Differential Input Cross-Coupled Line Driver UL/CSA/CE and 100/120/230 VAC Remote Power Supply Data Sheet-1 MS 1a MICROPHONE STAGE Features and Specifications Parameter Input Impedance Gain Range Phantom Power ...Impedance ...Load Regulation ...RMS CM Noise Max. Input Level ...Max. Input Level Equivalent Input Noise Signal to Noise Ratio Dynamic Range CMRR Frequency Response ...Gain 60 dB ...Gain 21.5 dB THD+Noise (gain 60 dB) THD+Noise (gain 21.5 dB) Line Driver Max. Output Level Output Impedance Signal Indicator Overload Indicator Output Cable Length Unit: Agency Listing ...120 VAC model ...230 VAC model Power Supply: Agency Listing ...120 VAC model ...230 VAC model ...100 VAC model Power Supply Input Max Current Consumption Unit Size ...Weight Shipping Size ...Weight Specification 10k 21.5 to 66 +48 6.81k 0.1 .003 +4.5/-34 -1.5/-40 -129 96 95/118 80 55 to 100k 40 to 100k .007 (Output=+20 dBu) .001 (Output=+20 dBu) Active Cross-coupled +20/+26 50 2/8 14/20 300 Class 2 Equipment UL & CSA CE-EMC CE-Safety UL CSA CE-EMC CE-Safety Built to JIS 18 VAC w/center tap 220 1.65" H x 5.1" W x 4.25" D 1 lb 3.6" H x 11.75" W x 7.2" D 4 lb Limit 1% typ. 4% 1% typ. typ. min. min. 1 1 typ. typ. typ. typ. typ. typ. min. 1% typ. typ. typ. Units ohms dB volts ohms % % dBu dBu dBu dB dB dB Hz Hz % % dBu ohms dBu dBu meters Conditions/Comments Balanced 5k + 5k 10 mA max. Each leg 0 to 14 mA % of Vout (10 to 10k Hz) Gain 21.5/60, balanced output Gain 21.5/60, unbalanced output 20 kHz BW, Rs=150 ohms, Gain = 60 dB 20 kHz BW, Rs=150 ohms, Gain = 21.5 dB, re 4 dBu Gain 60/21.5 Rs=150 ohms, 1 kHz +0, -3dB +0, -3db 20 to 20k Hz, 80 kHz BW, Rl=10k ohms 20 to 20k Hz, 80 kHz BW, Rl=10k ohms Gain 5.2/6 dB typ. unbalanced/balanced Unbalanced/balanced, 2k ohm load Each
File name ms1a sch mic stage preamp.pdf

B+ R35 3 15.8K 2 R11 1.00K 3 I O 2 Q1 ADJ LM317L D7 ZMM12 R12 243 R40 2.00 +C4 -15 +15 C28 R34 13.7K 8 2 3 -3.8V 0.1 Z4A 4 1 TL072 R38 -15 3.74K 6 + Q4 MPS-A42 1 R42 10.0K R32 10.0K R23 9.09K 1/2W C3 4004 OL2 10.0K S1A S1B 4 5 2P2P 6 +15 C18 R10 6.81K 1/2W C1 0.1 AGND 3 R7 20.0K C15 220PF 5% 2 Z1 8 5 1 AGND 2 3 + R6 100 D1 1.0/50 AGND R31 D12 4148 10.0K 4148 OL1 R30 D11 SIG/OL 1 1 3 2 -15 1.0/50 AGND +15 R20 5.11K AGND D2 R PHANTOM AGND POWER R9 6.81K 1/2W C16 0.1 AGND 0.1 C17 L2 + + 1 2 3 -15 C35 1.0/50 R39 5 100K -0.8V AGND AGND R41 1.00K AGND Z4B 7 TL072 R33 D4 R/G 10.0K C8 7 4 SSM2017P C37 6 1.0/50 1 R16 5.11K R17 5.11K +15 C20 C38 1.0/50 8 2 3 C36 R2 470/16 10.0 AGND 0.1 Z2A 4 1 MC33078 -15 R3 4.42K AGND B+ 22/16 R29 10.0K R25 6 4004 D5 4004 + BEAD INPUT J3 2 3 1 + - 47/50 C7 220PF AGND + 47PF R19 R18 5.11K 2 3 5.11K +15 C19 8 0.1 Z3A 4 1 MC33078 -15 C13 AGND L4 BEAD D13 SL4733 D15 SL4733 AGND AGND D16 SL4733 47/50 R1A 2KRD D14 SL4733 XLR F C12 220PF C2 R8 20.0K OL1 R24 100 R27 100 R28 10.0K C21 22/16 C14 INVERT NORMAL C10 220PF . OUTPUT 4 5 6 S2B 22/16 R36 20.0K J1 XLR M + 2 - 3 4 1 AGND R37 C29 20.0K 100 R26 C6 220/63 Q2 LM317 3 I O 2 5 +15 D3 Y POWER AGND Z2B 7 MC33078 5 6 Z3B 7 MC33078 R15 100 22/16 C24 22/16 C5 220/63 L3 J2 CT AC AC + D6 S2A 2P2P 1 2 3 D9 4004 C25 0.1 C31 0.1 CT 1 2 3 4 5 6 L1 3-T C26 0.1 3-T OL2 ADJ 1 C22 470/35 + C23 0.1 R21 301 R4 3.32K R5 3.32K C30 470/35 D10 4004 + + R14 5.11K C33 10/50V + R13 5.11K 5.11K C9 47PF C34 AGND 10/50V C27 0.1 2 1 ADJ 3 I O RJ-12 LB1 L-BKT R22 301 -15 Q3 LM337 ACTION: ADDED C31, UPDATED DIODES, CHANGED PIN #S FOR S1A & B CHANGED C1&2 TO 47/50 SMT WAS 102903, FJ 8JUL99 DRAWN BY: 27-Jul-1999 MS 1a RJ CHECKED BY: H:\MS1A\103201.SCH RJ 10802 47th Avenue West Mukilteo WA 98275-5098 SHEET: 1 of 1 103201 . C11 220PF

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