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Now downloading free:ST TEA5170

ST TEA5170 free download

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Descr:switch mode power supply primary cercuit
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TEA5170 SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY SECONDARY CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . INTERNAL PWM SIGNAL GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY WIDE RANGE 4.5V ­ 14.5V SOFT START REFERENCE VOLTAGE 2V ± 5% WIDE FREQUENCY RANGE 250kHz MINIMUM OUTPUT PULSE WIDTH 500nS MAXIMUM PRESET DUTY CYCLE SYNCHRONIZATION WINDOW OUTPUT SWITCH UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT FREQUENCY RANGE WITH SYNCHRONIZATION 64kHz DIP8 (Plastic Package) ORDER CODE : TEA5170 DESCRIPTION The TEA5170 is designed to work in the secondary part of an off-line SMPS, sending pulses to the slaved TEA2260/61 which are located on the primary side of the main transformer. An accurate regulated voltage is obtained by duty cycle control. The TEA5170 can be externally synchronized by higher or lower frequency signal, then it could be used in applications like TV set ones. For more details, refer to application note AN408/0591. PIN CONNECTIONS SOFT-START CAPACITOR SUPPLY VOLTAGE POWER OUTPUT CSF V CC P OUT 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 RT CT OSCILLATOR RESISTOR OSCILLATOR CAPACITOR GROUND GND E OUT VOLTAGE ERROR AMPLIFIER OUTPUT VOLTAGE ERROR AMPLIFIER E INVERTING INPUT 5170-01.EPS September 1993 1/9 TEA5170 BLOCK DIAGRAM Rt 8 Comparator Ct 7 OSCILLATOR LOGIC (SYNCHRO) POWER OUTPUT STAGE 2.7V Csf 1 SOFT START AND DUTY CYCLE LIMITING PWM LOGIC Error Amplifier E- 5 x -1 PWM 2V V CC Monitor 6 Eout 4 GND 2 V CC 3 P out 5170-02.EPS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VCC Tj Tstg Supply Voltage Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Parameter Value 15 150 ­ 40, + 150 Unit V °C °C 5170-01.TBL 5170-03.TBL 5170-02.TBL THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth (j-a) Parameter Junction-ambient Thermal Resistance Value 90 Unit °C/W RECOMMANDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol VCC RT CT Fosc Fsy Tamb VRT VCT ISOURCE Power Supply Voltage Timing Resistor Timing Capacitor Oscillator Frequency Synchro Frequency Operating Ambient Temperature Voltage on Pin RT (8) Current on Pin CT (1) Output Current 30 Parameter Min. 5 47 0.12 12 12 ­ 20 Typ. Max. 14 180 1.8 250 64 70 7 100 60 Unit V k nF kHz kHz °C Volt µA mA 2/9 TEA5170 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25oC, VCC = 12V, unless otherwise specified) Symbol OSCILLATOR TA TB FOSC (T) Frequency drift due to ambient o o temperature variation from 0 C to 70 C FOSC (70oC) - FOSC (0oC) 70 C x FOSC (25 C) Frequency drift due to VCC variation from 5V to 12V FOSC (12V) - FOSC (5V) 7V x FOSC (12V) Input Bias Current Voltage Gain Gain Bandwidth Slew Rate Voltage Reference VREF (12V) - VREF (5V) o o Parameter Free Period Test Conditions RT = 100k ± 0% CT = 1.2nF ± 0%, Vcc = 12V RT = 100k ± 0% CT = 560pF ± 0%, Vcc = 12V RT = 100k ± 0% CT = 1.2nF ± 0%, Vcc = 12V Min. Typ. Max. Unit µS µS %/°C 60.40 65.60 70.80 29.18 31.70 34.22 0.01 FOSC (VCC) RT = 100k ± 0% CT = 1.2nF ± 0% 0.07 %/V ERROR VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER (VCC = 12V) Ibias Gvol GB Ein = 2V 0 0.2 80 2 2 2 0.4 0.2 1 µA dB MHz V/µs V mV/V mV/° INTERNAL VOLTAGE REFERENCE VREF Using the voltage error amplifier as a follower 1.9 ­3 2.1 3 VREF (VCC) L

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