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ST TEA2260 free download

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Model:TEA2260 🔎
Descr:switch mode power supply controller
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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File name TEA2260.pdf

TEA2260 TEA2261 SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY CONTROLLER . . . . . . . . . . POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE CURRENT UP TO 1.2A and ­ 2A LOW START-UP CURRENT DIRECT DRIVE OF THE POWER TRANSISTOR TWO LEVELS TRANSISTOR CURRENT LIMITATION DOUBLE PULSE SUPPRESSION SOFT-STARTING UNDER AND OVERVOLTAGE LOCK-OUT AUTOMATIC STAND-BY MODE RECOGNITION LARGE POWER RANGE CAPABILITY IN STAND-BY (Burst mode) INTERNAL PWM SIGNAL GENERATOR DESCRIPTION The TEA2260/61 is a monolithic integrated circuit for the use in primary part of an off-line switching mode power supply. All functions required for SMPS control under normal operating,transient or abnormal conditions are provided. The capability of working according to the "masterslave" concept, or according to the "primary regulation" mode makes the TEA2260/61 very flexible and easy to use. This is particularly true for TV receivers where the IC provides an attractive and low cost solution (no need of stand-by auxiliary power supply). See application note AN376/0490 for detailed information. PIN CONNECTIONS TRANSFORMER DEMAGNETIZATION SENSING INPUT SECONDARY PULSES INPUT POWER TRANSISTOR CURRENT LIMITATION INPUT IS IN I MAX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BATWING DIP 16 (Plastic Package) ORDER CODES : TEA2260 - TEA2261 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 V CC V+ OUT POWER SUPPLY POSITIVE OUTPUT STAGE SUPPLY POWER OUTPUT GROUND GND GROUND GND ERROR AMPLIFIER INPUT (INVERTING) ERROR AMPLIFIER OUTPUT OVERLOAD INTEGRATION CAPACITOR E S C2 GND GROUND GND GROUND R0 C0 C1 OSCILLATOT RESISTOR 2261-01.EPS OSCILLATOR CAPACITOR SOFT-START CAPACITOR June 1992 1/9 TEA2260 - TEA2261 SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION DIAGRAMS Figure 1 : Master-slave Concept AUDIO OUTPUT STAGE Muting Control R P1 Remote Stand-by MAINS INPUT P2 C Synchronization SCANNING DEVICE VOLTAGE REGULATOR Remote Stand-by VCC TEA2260/61 SLAVE TEA5170 MASTER VCC µP INFRA-RED RECE IVER PWM P 1 : Output voltage adjustement in normal mode P 2 : Output voltage adjustement in stand-by Power primary ground Secondary ground (isolated from mains) Figure 2 : Secondary Regulation (with optocoupler) AUDIO OUTPUT STAGE Muting Control R P Remote Stand-by MAINS INPUT SCANNING DEVICE C VOLTAGE REGULATOR VCC TEA2260/61 µP VCC INFRA-RED RECE IVER 2261-03.EPS P : Output voltage adjustement Power primary ground Secondary ground (isolated from mains) 2/9 2261-02.EPS TEA2260 - TEA2261 BLOCK DIAGRAM S 7 ERROR AMPLIF LIER VCC 16 15.7V V+ 15 + VREF 2.49V OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION VREF (2.49V) 7.4V 10.3V -1 + MODULATOR LOGIC MODULATORS AUTOMATIC BURST GENERATION + PRIMARY PULSES IS LOGIC REGULATION PULSES LOGIC PROCESSOR REPETITIVE OVERLOAD PROTECTION TON(Max.) (60%) SOFT-START OSCILLATOR 0.15V 2.55V SECONDARY PULSE 10µ A 9 11 10 1 2 8 3 4 5 12 13 C1 R0 C0 IS IN C2 I MAX GND ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VCC V+ IOUT+ IOUTTj Tstg Power Supply Output Stage Power Supply Parameter V16-V4, 5, 12, 13 V15-V4, 5, 12, 13 Value 20 20 1.5 2.5 150 -40, +150 Unit V V A o o Pos

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