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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oszillogramme, Oscillograms C1915 1n C1916 56p Z AV1 AV2 Z S2R S2FB S2G S2FB S2B S2R 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 R1044 75R L1271 U5S C1271 47µ C1196 47µ C1272 47n C1275 47n S1B C1274 47n S2FB 100R an SAT-Empfangseinheit to SAT-Receiver R1032 15k R1915 rt ws Scart2 an Bedienteil to Control section Scart1 S2R W1029 W1024 W1031 W1141 2 R1142 15k 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 R1149 47R U5S Q1193 BC857 R1194 75R R1193 2k7 R1196 10R C1914 1n 0 0 W1101 sw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W1016 1 2 3 4 5 6 R C Y L Y rt R1042 75R R1188 47R C1156 47µ R1168 33R Q1167 BC817 R1166 560R C1157 47n R1167 470R R1161 470R C1277 330n 12 11 10 9 R1271 10k S1R C1276 330n TDA8501 Q1026 BC847B R1017 15k Video R L R1029 100R R1028 47k Q1021 BC847B R1024 100R R1023 47k R1031 100R C1031 470n R1034 15k R1033 100R R1041 75R D1039 C5V6 C1046 47µ R1043 75R R1058 33R R1061 75R Q1039 BC847B R1062 75R SDA3 SCL3 R1046 10R U8S R1048 27k C1047 47n C1048 1n C1289 47n 13 14 15 C1287 16 330n 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C1288 47µ Q1273 BC847B C1281 47n R1910 56k U5SB R1916 47R R1914 100R 1V/Div DC 1000 ns/Div Y 4G 2V/Div DC 10 µs/Div 7E2 R1103 15k R1101 15k R1102 100R R1056 560R R1057 470R Q1053 BC857 R1054 68R R1052 10k R1144 15k R1104 100R R1156 10R U8S R1158 27k C1158 1n C1188 1n R1187 47k R1192 4k7 C1191 47n R1198 4k7 C1197 47n Q1198 BC857 U5S R1199 47k R1273 1k R1289 1k R1281 10k R1288 1k R1026 1k5 R1016 15k R1037 100R I1271 S1R S1FB C1027 47µ R1027 330R R1021 1k5 C1022 47µ R1015 C1016 470n C1034 220p 75R R1051 470R X C1033 470n R1022 330R R1059 150R R1063 47R C1063 1µ S1G S1B R1036 100R D1038 C5V6 C1037 47µ Q1038 BC847B R1038 22k SMODE Q1057 BC817 R1141 100R C1141 470n R1151 75R R1152 75R R1153 75R R1172 75R S1G Q1048 BC847B R1191 10k U9A R1186 47k R1157 10k PIP R1137 *10k R1138 4k7 R1276 1k D1277 LL4148 Q1910 BC847B C1273 47n Y 8 7 6 5 Q1158 BC847B 0 Q1281 BC847B D1278 LL4148 R1279 4k7 R1277 75R R1278 100k Q1278 BC847B U5S R1283 75R 0 C1102 470n C1104 R1143 100R R1154 75R R1171 75R R1169 150R R1173 47R X R1163 470n Q1019 BC857B 47R R1019 47k C1036 47µ R1039 22k Q1163 BC857 R1164 68R R1159 6k8 L1185 U9 C1185 47µ U9A C1186 100n Q1137 *BC847B U5S 4 -U 3 RGB/YUV 2 -V 1 R1286 150k R1287 22k 1V/Div DC 20 ns/Div 3B1 1V/Div DC 20 µs/Div 7E3 R1053 47R R1049 6k8 R1047 10k C1143 470n R1162 10k X1279 4.43MHz R1282 1k C1279 18p W U9 C1144 220p C1013 47µ 1 R1011 10R C1012 47µ L1 L2 C1011 47n 2 3 4 TEA6422D S1R W R1013 100R SDA3 SCL3 R1014 100R R1 R2 R3 C1017 470n R4 R5 R6 R3 L3 R2 C1117 100n U9 R1116 10R C1114 1µ R1209 10R U5S R1206 2k7 C1206 47n 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 C1082 47µ U9 R1207 75R C1207 47µ R1292 47R C1205 10n Q1209 BC857B R1208 47k R1210 4k7 U9 C1241 *100n R1239 *100R R1241 *68R Q1241 *BC847B R1242 *75R C1242 *100p U9 C1216 100n R1214 47R R1216 68R Q1214 BC847B C1992 100n C1991 100n Q

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