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File name:loewe_q4100_chassis_sm.pdf
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Original:chassis:Q4100 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Calida 56xx, Planus 48xx,46xx, Profil 35xx, Xelos 52xx
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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1 2 R478 33k 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oscillograms W216 1 2 3 0 an,to Signal Board W971 UMUTE VPROT RSIG LS-R LS-L UNF+ an,to Signal Board W701 EWGND SEKGND HDRIVE HDGND HPOS FBAS VFLB HFLB SCL5 an,to Signal Board W003 SSIF Terr. GND-ZF W214 W213 W212 EW FP D477 RGP10 W511 2 R473 1k C474 10n C472 22µ AF U8 V+ V- W211 8 9 SSIF SAT SDA3 SCL4 SCL3 DISE Stereoendstufe Final stage stereo C478 2n2 L479 * W217 1 2 3 5 W610 R474 33k C476 1µ R472 10k C466 2200µ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 an,to W188 SAT 2V/Div DC; 5 us/Div 1D C475 1n 4 C477 220n I474 TDA2030 U8 R206 18k U5 UNF+ R466 470R 3W U12 6H UB R207 18k U33 B216 U5 D206 MA4300 C207 100n U9 W250 8 7 6 DISE U33 SCL5 SDA3 SCL4 D478 RGP10 3 I R479 1R W471 gn / green 1 I 0 100V/Div DC; 5 us/Div C206 W470 * 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 C479 220n UNF- D474 1N4148 UNF+ C467 22n C465 100p 10µ 5 4 3 2 1 2D W491 * 3 2 1 U12 C201 2200µ C468 W481 ge / yellow 2 R488 33k 100µ 47µ 7H C469 22n R468 470R 3W UNFU25 C482 22µ R484 33k R482 10k F655 Br. U9 C203 an, to Kühlblech/Heat Sink I474, I484 R205 U12 B215 L202 Br. C202 100n L203 47µ C204 100n 22k 0 W650 1 2 3 4 5 10G C208 10n an,to W181 SAT 500mV/Div DC; 5 us/Div 2E UNF+ UNFR483 1k C485 1n D487 RGP10 H 1 H 2 5 AC1 12 AC2 13 TAGC 14 V9 15 V5 24 V33 16 CCVS 25 SCL 18 SDA 19 AF 23 VANT 11 L489 * C488 2n2 Hyperband Tuner 17 21 22 26 IDC VIDAD IFAGC SSIF 0 4 C487 220n I484 TDA2030 an,to W201 SAT U202 Tuner 10V/Div DC 5ms/Div 6B D488 RGP10 3 R489 1R 1 C484 10n C486 1µ C489 220n UNF- C492 4µ7 R657 4k7 R658 4k7 L521 22µ B549 R521 3R3 T528 Tr R532 * L532 Br. R533 12R 7F R491 3R3 D651 FUF5407GP R691 100R C524 1µ B673 1R D527 EU02 R526 56R R527 4k7 R529 4k7 D532 BYW98 8F B532 U25 Hor. R492 1k 0 W532 Kont 1 2 G Hor. Endstufe Hor. final stage L530 22m R545 * 12 (9) R518 10R L531 R517 22R Q534 2SC4542 R525 4k7 Q532 ZTX614 R516 22R D531 RU2 C532 100p 500mV/Div DC; 5 ms/Div 6H G B536 B537 8G T531 0 500mV/Div DC; 2 ms/Div 7A 32KV R531 * C511 22µ D491 1N4148 R692 100R C521 100µ F Q531 ZTX712 D533 BA157 R534 3R3 5 (5) FOCUS R551 150k R550 2k2 R552 1M F 0 10V/Div DC; 2 ms/Div 7B C534 100µ R528 R530 C533 100p C535 100µ D541 BA157 C537 100p UG2 an,to W301 CRT-PCB 4k7 4k7 Netzteil Power supply R621 56k 2W R618 Br. D622 BA157 6 T639 22 C650 * UB C651 47u C527 220n C528 680p 1 (12) (13) 13 R541 3R3 7 (2) 10 (8) R548 120R 4 (4) UVID L650 R524 4k7 R536 10k R537 R542 1k8 D548 1N4148 C549 22n W548 4 3 2 1 rt / red 0 500mV/Div DC; 2 ms/Div L539 L541 B674 1R 1 R690 1R U25 I691 L78S09 IN GND OUT C531 * C541 * UF 10k R538 100k 7C 3 U9 C694 100µ D526 1N4148 Q526 2SC3944 R539 2 E C623 220n 6 7 8 2E R627 10k R629 22R R626 22R 20 19 F656 T1.25A L656 D656 BYW98 100k R535 100k D547 BA159 R547 3R3 D549 MA4300 L547 1 E C691 100µ C692 330n C693 330

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