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Philips TDA4780 free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA4780 RGB video processor with automatic cut-off control and gamma adjust Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 May 1994 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification RGB video processor with automatic cut-off control and gamma adjust FEATURES · Gamma adjust · Dynamic black control (adaptive black) · All input signals clamped on black-levels · Automatic cut-off control, alternative: output clamping on fixed levels · Three adjustable reference voltage levels via I2C-bus for automatic cut-off control · Luminance/colour difference interface · Two luminance input levels allowed · Two RGB interfaces controlled by either fast switches or by I2C-bus · Two peak drive limiters, selection via I2C-bus · Blue stretch, selection via I2C-bus · Luminance output for scan velocity modulation (SCAVEM) · Extra luminance output; same pin can be used as hue control output e.g. for the TDA4650 and TDA4655 · Non standard operations like 50 Hz/32 kHz are also possible · Either 2 or 3 level sandcastle pulse applicable · High bandwidth for 32 kHz application QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL VP IP V8(p-p) V6(p-p) V7(p-p) V14 supply voltage (pin 5) supply current (pin 5) luminance input (peak-to-peak value) (C)VBS -(B-Y) input (peak-to-peak value) -(R-Y) input (peak-to-peak value) three-level sandcastle pulse H+V H BK two-level sandcastle pulse H+V BK Vi VO(p-p) Tamb RGB output at pins 24, 22 and 20 (black-to-white value) operating ambient temperature - - - -20 2.5 4.5 0.7 2.0 - - - - 2.5 4.5 8.0 PARAMETER MIN. 7.2 80 - - - TYP. 8.0 100 1.33 1.05 GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA4780 · White point adjusts via I2C-bus · Average beam current and improved peak drive limiting · Two switch-on delays to prevent discolouration during start-up · All functions and features programmable via I2C-bus · PAL/SECAM or NTSC matrix selection. The TDA4780 is a monolithic integrated circuit with a luminance and a colour difference interface for video processing in TV receivers. Its primary function is to process the luminance and colour difference signals from a colour decoder which is equipped e.g. with the multistandard decoder TDA4655 or TDA9160 plus delay line TDA4661 or TDA4665 and the Picture Signal Improvement (PSI) IC TDA467x or from a Feature Module. (continued) MAX. 8.8 120 - - - - - - - - - +70 UNIT V mA V V V V V V V V V V °C 0.45/ 1.43 - RGB input signals at pins 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 and 12 (black-to-white value) - May 1994 2 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification RGB video processor with automatic cut-off control and gamma adjust ORDERING INFORMATION PACKAGE EXTENDED TYPE NUMBER TDA4780 Note 1. SOT117-1; 1996 December 9. PINS 28 PIN POSITION DIL MATERIAL plastic TDA4780 CODE SOT117(1) May 1994 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification RGB video processor with automatic cut-off control and gamma adjust TDA4780 Fig.1 Block diagram (continued in Fig.2) May 1994 4 Philips Semiconductors Prelimi

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