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Philips TDA4800 free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA4800 Vertical deflection circuit for monitor applications Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 February 1992 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Vertical deflection circuit for monitor applications FEATURES · Fully integrated, few external components · RC oscillator with wide sync range of 1:3 (e.g. 50 Hz to 150 Hz) · Synchronization by positive or negative going sync pulse · Blanking pulse duration is determined externally · Dual frequency criterion for automatic amplitude switch-over (e.g. 50 Hz to 60 Hz) · Guard circuit for screen protection · Sawtooth generator with buffer stage supplied by external voltage · Preamplifier TDA4800 · Power output stage with thermal and SOAR protection · Flyback generator · Internal voltage stabilizer GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA4800 is a monolithic integrated circuit for vertical deflection primarily in monitors (and TV receivers). The complete circuit consists of 11 main functional blocks as shown in Fig.1. QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL VP VP IP I7 fsync V3 V3 Tamb PARAMETER supply voltage range (pin 10) supply voltage range (pin 6) supply current (pins 6 and 10) output current (peak-to-peak value) picture frequency positive sync input pulse negative sync input pulse operating ambient temperature range note 2 note 1, 3 note 1 CONDITIONS MIN. 10 10 - - - 1.0 -0.5 -20 TYP. - - 215 - - - - - MAX. 45 30 - 2.6 135 6.0 -0.7 + 70 UNIT V V mA A Hz V V °C Notes to the quick reference data 1. Measured in circuit Fig.4 2. Ptot = 3.6 W for Rth j-a = 20 K/W 3. fo = 45 Hz (fsync max = 3fo) ORDERING INFORMATION EXTENDED TYPE NUMBER PINS TDA4800 Note 1. SOT141-6; 1996 November 15. 13 DBS PIN POSITION PACKAGE MATERIAL plastic CODE SOT141(1) February 1992 2 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Vertical deflection circuit for monitor applications BLOCK DIAGRAM TDA4800 Fig.1 Block diagram February 1992 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Vertical deflection circuit for monitor applications FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The complete circuit consists of the following functional blocks as shown in Fig.1: 1. Oscillator 2. Synchronization circuit 3. Blanking pulse generator 4. Frequency detector and storage 5. Ramp generator 6. Buffer stage 7. Preamplifier 8. Power output stage 9. Flyback generator 10. Guard circuit 11. Voltage stabilizer 1. Oscillator (pins 1, 2) The oscillator is an RC-oscillator with a threshold value switch, which ensures very good frequency stability. The upper and lower threshold voltages are defined by an internal voltage divider. An external capacitor C1 at pin 2 is charged by a constant current source. When the scan voltage of C1 reaches the upper threshold voltage, oscillator flyback starts. Capacitor C1 discharges via an internal resistor and transistor until the lower threshold is reached. The constant charge current and free-running frequency fo are adjusted by an external resistor R1 at pin 1: 1

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