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Philips TDA3840 free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA3840 TV IF amplifier and demodulator with TV signal identification Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 April 1991 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification TV IF amplifier and demodulator with TV signal identification FEATURES · Low supply voltage range, from 5.0 V to 8.0 V · Low power dissipation, 200 mW at 5 V · High supply ripple rejection · Wide IF bandwidth of 80 MHz · Synchronous demodulator with low differential phase and gain · Additional video buffer with a wide bandwidth of 10 MHz · Video off switch · Peak sync AGC · Adjustable take-over point (TOP); positive AGC slope · Switching to fast AGC dependent on TV identification · Alignment free AFC detector with integrated phase shift · ESD protection · TV signal identification · Options: tracking of reference circuit QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL VP IP V1-20(rms) PARAMETER supply voltage range (pin 15) supply current (pin 15) IF input signal for nominal video output voltage at pin 14 (RMS value) minimum IF input signal for TV signal identification at pin 6 (RMS value) Vo Gv S/N V8 SAFC RR video output signal (pin 12) IF voltage gain control range signal-to-noise ratio AFC output voltage swing AFC steepness (pin 8) supply voltage ripple rejection (pin 12) V1-20 = 10 mV VP = 5.0 V f = 38.9 MHz maximum Gv buffered CONDITIONS - - - - - 55 - - 30 MIN. 4.75 TYP. 5.0 42 70 20 2.0 66 60 4.0 2 35 GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA3840 The TDA3840 is a bipolar integrated circuit for vision IF-signal processing in TV and VTRs, designed for a supply voltage range from 5.0 V to 8.0 V. MAX. 8.8 - - 40 - - - - - - UNIT V mA µV µV V dB dB V µA/kHz dB ORDERING INFORMATION EXTENDED TYPE NUMBER TDA3840 TDA3840T Note 1. SOT146-1; 1996 December 13. 2. SOT163-1; 1996 December 13. PACKAGE PINS 20 20 PIN POSITION DIL mini-pack MATERIAL plastic plastic SOT146(1) SO20L; SOT163A(2) CODE April 1991 2 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification TV IF amplifier and demodulator with TV signal identification TDA3840 Fig.1 Block diagram. PIN CONFIGURATION PINNING SYMBOL VI IF TOPADJ VBL VSYNC CIDENT TVIDENT CAFC VAFC n.c. LREF LREF VO BUF VI VO VP CSTAB GND CAGC IO AGC VI IF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 PIN IF input (balanced) tuner AGC take-over point adjustment black level voltage sync pulse amplitude voltage identification capacitor video identification output AFC capacitor AFC output signal not connected LC reference tuned circuit LC reference tuned circuit buffered video output signal video input signal for buffer video output signal with intercarrier signal supply voltage supply voltage stabilization ground AGC capacitor tuner AGC output signal IF input (balanced) DESCRIPTION Fig.2 Pin configuration. April 1991 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification TV IF amplifier and demodulator with TV signal identification FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The complete circuit consists of the following functional blocks as s

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