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Philips TDA3845 free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA3845; TDA3845T Quasi split-sound circuit and AM demodulator Objective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 January 1993 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Quasi split-sound circuit and AM demodulator FEATURES · Power supply from 5 V (200 mW) to 8 V source also an alternative 12 V source (12 V not for TDA3845T) · Gain controlled wideband IF amplifier (AC coupled with three stages) · High precision internal 90° phase shifter for quadrature demodulator · Amplitude detector for gain control which operates as a peak detector for FM sound and as a mean level detector for AM sound (switchable) · In-phase wideband synchronous demodulator for AM detection TDA3845; TDA3845T · Stabilizer circuit for ripple rejection and constant output signals · ESD protection for all pins · Suitable for all FM standards and L as well as L-accent standard · NICAM compatible. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA3845 is a quasi split-sound IF circuit which is designed to provide high performance television FM/AM sound. QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL VP1 VP2 IP V1-16(RMS) V12-13(RMS) (S +W)/W pin 14 pin 11 (not for TDA3845T) supply current minimum IF input voltage (RMS value) IF control range intercarrier output voltage 5.5 MHz (RMS value) signal-to-weighted-noise ratio (relative to 1 kHz; 50 kHz deviation) at 5.5 MHz for 2T/20T at 5.742 MHz for 2T/20T V6-13(RMS) (S +W)/W THD Tamb AF output voltage AM (RMS value) signal-to-weighted-noise ratio; AM mode total harmonic distortion; AM mode operating ambient temperature - - 440 - - 0 60 58 550 56 1 - - - 660 - 2 +70 dB dB mV dB % °C PARAMETER positive supply voltage 4.5 10.8 - - 60 70 5.0 12.0 40 70 63 100 8.8 13.2 - 100 - - V V mA µV dB mV MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT ORDERING INFORMATION EXTENDED TYPE NUMBER TDA3845 TDA3845T Note 1. SOT38-1; 1996 November 28. 2. SOT109-1; 1996 November 28. PACKAGE PINS 16 16 PIN POSITION DIL SO16 MATERIAL plastic plastic CODE SOT38(1) SOT109A(2) January 1993 2 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Quasi split-sound circuit and AM demodulator TDA3845; TDA3845T (1) See note 10 to the characteristics. (2) Not for TDA3845T, pin 11 not connected. Fig.1 Block diagram. January 1993 3 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Quasi split-sound circuit and AM demodulator PINNING SYMBOL IF2 n.c. AGC OPT PMD AM SW LCREF LCREF n.c. VP2 ICO GND VP1 (1) not for TDA3845T, pin 11 not connected. TDA3845; TDA3845T PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DESCRIPTION IF amplifier input 2 not connected AGC control capacitor optional capacitor (see note 10 to the characteristics) peak/mean detector capacitor AM output FM/AM switch LC reference circuit for the picture carrier LC reference circuit for the picture carrier not connected positive supply voltage 2 (+12 V); note 1 intercarrier output ground (0 V) positive supply voltage 1 (+5 V) not connected IF amplifier input 1 n.c. IF1 Fig.2 Pin configuration. Note to Pinning 1. Not for TD

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