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Philips TDA2546a free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA2546A Quasi-split-sound circuit with 5,5 MHz demodulation Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 February 1985 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quasi-split-sound circuit with 5,5 MHz demodulation GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA2546A The TDA2546A is a monolithic integrated circuit for quasi-split-sound processing, including 5,5 MHz demodulation, in television receivers. Features 1st i.f. (V.C.: vision carrier plus S.C.: sound carrier) · 3-stage gain controlled i.f. amplifier · A.G.C. circuit · Reference amplifier and limiter amplifier for vision carrier (V.C.) processing · Linear multiplier for quadrature demodulation 2nd i.f. (5,5 MHz signal) · 8-stage limiter amplifier · Quadrature demodulator · A.F. amplifier with de-emphasis · AV switch QUICK REFERENCE DATA Supply voltage (pin 15) Supply current (pin 15) Minimum i.f. vision carrier input voltage (r.m.s. value) Output voltage; 5,5 MHz (r.m.s. value) Output voltage; 5,742 MHz (r.m.s. value) I.F. control range Signal-to-weighted-noise ratio (rel. to 1 kHz; 30 kHz deviation) at 5,5 MHz for 2T/20T pulses with white bars at 5,742 MHz A.F. output voltage (r.m.s. value) PACKAGE OUTLINES 18-lead DIL; plastic (SOT 102); SOT102-1; 1996 November 19. S + W/W Vo6-16(rms) typ. typ. 56 0,6 dB V S + W/W typ. 58 dB VP = V15-16 IP = I15 VVC1-18 (rms) V14-16(rms) V14-16(rms) Gv typ. typ. typ. typ. typ. typ. 12 57 150 100 45 64 V mA µV mV mV dB February 1985 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quasi-split-sound circuit with 5,5 MHz demodulation TDA2546A February 1985 3 (1) I.F. signal: vision carrier (V.C.) and sound carrier (S.C.) Fig.1 Block diagram. Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quasi-split-sound circuit with 5,5 MHz demodulation RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Supply voltage (pin 15) Input current (pin 4) Storage temperature range Operating ambient temperature range VP = V15-16 I4 Tstg Tamb TDA2546A max. 13,2 max. 7 -25 to +150 0 to +70 V mA °C °C February 1985 4 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quasi-split-sound circuit with 5,5 MHz demodulation TDA2546A CHARACTERISTICS VP = V15-16 = 12 V; Tamb = 25 °C; measured at fVC = 38,9 MHz, fSC1 = 33,4 MHz, fSC2 = 33,158 MHz: Vision carrier (V.C.) modulated with different video signals (see below); modulation depth 100% (proportional to 10% residual carrier). Vision carrier amplitude (r.m.s. value) is VVC = 10 mV. Vision-to-sound carrier ratios are VC/SC1 = 13 dB and VC/SC2 = 20 dB. Sound carriers (SC1, SC2) modulated with f = 1 kHz and deviation f = ± 30 kHz. For measuring circuit see Fig.2; unless otherwise specified. PARAMETER Supply (pin 15) Supply voltage Supply current I.F. amplifier Input voltage for start of gain control (intercarrier signals -3 dB) Input voltage for end of gain control (intercarrier signals + 1 dB) I.F. gain control range Control voltage range (see Fig.3) Input resistance

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