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Now downloading free:Agilent N432A Thermistor Power Meter - Product Fact Sheet 5990-5633EN c20140622 [2]

Agilent N432A Thermistor Power Meter - Product Fact Sheet 5990-5633EN c20140622 [2] free download

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File name:N432A Thermistor Power Meter - Product Fact Sheet 5990-5633EN c20140622 [2].pdf
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File name N432A Thermistor Power Meter - Product Fact Sheet 5990-5633EN c20140622 [2].pdf

Product Fact Sheet Keysight N432A Thermistor Power Meter Replacement of the Keysight Technologies, Inc. legacy 432A analog power meter with enhancing functions at lower price 1. View test result easily with the high-resolution color LCD display. The highly anticipated replacement 3 1 2 2. Arrow keys and numeric keypad enable easy navigation and N432A thermistor power meter is enter of numeric values. loaded with useful enhancements, 3. Preset key to set the N432A to its default state. including a color digital display, and 4. Display keys allow selection of the display format and display mode for the active window. intuitive front panel interface. The 5. Hard keys provide quick access to the most frequently used high accuracy in measuring average functions, such as System, Trigger and Acquisition etc. power makes it ideal for metrology 6. Power reference of 1 mW (0 dBm), 50 MHz signal. and calibration lab environments. 5 7. Line power accepts universal input voltage with automatic 4 6 range selection. 8 7 8. Recorder output for closed loop external power monitoring. 9. VRF and VCOMP output connection to external DMM for precise power measurement. 10. Go beyond GPIB with USB and LAN/LXI-C interface. Essential specifications

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