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Now downloading free:IBM GC33-0009-4 PLI Checkout And Opt Compiler Lang Ref Oct76

IBM GC33-0009-4 PLI Checkout And Opt Compiler Lang Ref Oct76 free download

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GC33-0009-4 File No. S360/S370-29 OS PL/I Checkout and Optimizing Compilers: Program Product Language Reference Manual Program Numbers 5734-PL 1 5734-PL2 5734-LM4 5734-LM5 (These program products are available as composite package 5734-PL3) Fifth Edition (October 1976) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC33-0009-3. This edition applies to Version 1, Release 3, Modification 0 of the OS PL/I Checkout Compiler, Program Product 5734-PL2; Version 1, Release 3, Modification 0 of the OS PLII Optimizing Compiler, Program Product 5734-PL1; and all subsequent versions, releases, or modifications. Information in this publication is subject to significant change. Before using the publication, consult the latest IBM System/370 Bibliography, GC20-0001, and the technical newsletters that amend the bibliography, to learn which edition and technical newsletters are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to the IBM branch office that serves you. Forms for readers' comments are provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be address to IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 50020, Programming Publishing, San Jose, California 95150, USA. All comments and suggestions become the property of IBM. e Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1970,1971,1972,1973,1976 Preface This publication is planned for use as a Part II, "Rules and Syntactic reference book by the PL/I programmer. It Descriptions," provides a quick reference is not a tutorial publication, but is to specific intormation. It includes less designed for the reader who already has a information about interrelationships, but knowledge of the language and who requires i t is organized so that a particular a source of reference material. question can be answered quickly. Part II is organized purely from a reference point The publication is in two parts. Part I of view; it is not intended for sequential contains discussions of concepts of the reading. language. Part II contains detailed rules and syntactic descriptions. For example, a programmer would read Although implementation information is chapter 5,

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