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Now downloading free:IBM FORTRAN 704 709 Systems Manual-1960

IBM FORTRAN 704 709 Systems Manual-1960 free download

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April, 1960 SYSTEMS MANUAL FOR 704 FORTRAN AND 709 FORTRAN Applied Programming Department International Business Machines Cor poratior 590 Madison Avenue New York 22, New York TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFATORY NOTE CHAPTER I m INTRODUCTION I1 . I SECTION ONE III - SECTION ONE-PRIME IV - $ECTION ONE - DOUBLE -PRIME v . , SECTION TWO . I SECTION THREE - SECT,ION FOUR . I SECTION FIVE . SECTIONS FIVE-PRIME AND PRE-SIX . SECTION SIX a LIBRARIAN AND LIBRARY L MONITOR T GENERAL DIAGNOSTIC - EDITORS (FORTRAN AND DIAGNOSTIC) . APPENDIX I rn FORTRAN TAPE STATUS AT END OF SECTION PREFATORY NOTE This manual is an attempt to fulfill a long standing, much-pressed request. That is, a request for an over-all, comprehensive explan- ation of the workings of the entire Fortran System. This includes, in addition to the compiler proper, the monitor, the editor programs, and other corollary routines. It should be noted at the outset, however, that there a r e a number of difficulties involved in such a presentation. W e want to take note of them immediately $0 that you can better apprec- iate the form and organization of the manual that follows. F i r s t and foremost, Fortran is a vaat, comprehensive system. This, alone, provides its own 4ifficulties. It means that any description of its workings can not be subsumed under the directional efforts of a single individual who understands it all. One individual could not know all the details and subtleties comprising the insides of all the sections marked off by the fourteen Roman numerals of this manual. We have chosen to make the attempt to bring you many of the fine points of the system; this is done by having the "expert" on each of the sections do the writing for that section. The price that must be paid for this approach is obvious : a single style of presentation and a aingly oriented organization cannot easily be obtained. A certain lack of uniformity of the level of generalization used in the various descriptions results. We trust this will be understood. In some cases this lack of uniformity results from the nature of the subject matter; in others, i t results from the difficultv described. we attemot to minimize this difficulty by having an introduction which discusses the main points of each of the sections on approximately the same level, and, in the case of section two of the compiler, having a general level discussion then a de- tailed description. Certain redundancies, of course, must result. We do not apologize for these redundancies;

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