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IBM USN Machine Accountant Training 1966 free download

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PREFACE As one of the Navy Training Courses, this book was prepared by the Training Publications Division, Naval Personnel Program Support Activity, Washington, D. C., for the Bureau of Naval Persormel. Tech- nical assistance was provided by the Personnel Accounting Machine Installation, U. S. Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Va.; Personnel Accounting Machine Installation, Continental United States, Bainbridge, Md.; En- listed Personnel Distribution Office, Continental United States, Bain- bridge, Md.; Aviation Supply Office, Philadelphia, Pa.; U. S. Naval Examining Center, Great Lakes, Ill.; U. S. Naval Command Systems Support Activity, Washington, D. C.; Manpower Information Division, Bureau of Naval Personnel; and by International Business Machines Corporation, Washington, D. C. As this book goes to press, the Navy has undergone a major reorganization, in which certain bureaus have been redesignated as Systems Commands. Check Instructions and Notices for further information con- cerning this change. First Edition 1963 Major Revision 1966 i THE UNITED STATES NAVY GUARDIAN OF OUR COUNTRY The United States Navy is responsible for maintaining control of the sea and is a ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of strong action to preserve the peace or of instant offensive action to win in war. It is upon the maintenance of this control that our country's glorious future depends; the United States Navy exists to make it so. WE SERVE WITH HONOR Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navy's heritage from the past. To these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the watchwords of the present and the future. At home or on distant stations we serve with pride, confident in the respect of our country, our shipmates, and our families. Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us. Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with honor. THE FUTURE OF THE NAVY The Navy will always employ new ~eapons, new techniques, and greater power to protect and defend the United States on the sea, under the sea, and in the air. Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in war. Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynotes of the new Navy. The roots of the Navy lie in a strong belief in the future, in continued dedication to our tasks, and in reflection on our heritage from the past. Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater. ii CONTENTS CHAPTER Page 1. Machine Accountants in the Navy.

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