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Now downloading free:IBM ZZ05-0282-0 3174 Directions Apr89

IBM ZZ05-0282-0 3174 Directions Apr89 free download

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Model:ZZ05-0282-0 3174 Directions Apr89 🔎
Original:ZZ05-0282-0 3174 Directions Apr89 🔎
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IBM OAPS Code 0895, 0941 ZZ05-0282;;oo APRIL 1989 IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY 3174 DIRECTIONS CR FREEHAFER RALEIGH TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT CENTER i IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. ii IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY ABSTRACT The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the direction of the IBM 3174 as an establishment connectivity machine. It also highlights the fact that the strong growth in Intelligent Workstations is contributing to the demand for the type of establishment connectivity provided by the IBM 3174. When asked about 3174 directions, there is often a broader question in the customer's mind: The PC seems to be experiencing rapid growth ... what does this mean for the future of the 3174 and dependent displays? This presentation will also address that question. Note to presenter: The attached script is intended for high-level non-technical audiences and is targeted at about one-half hour in

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