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Now downloading free:Keithley 241A(Model241)

Keithley 241A(Model241) free download

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NOOEL 241 CONTESTS CONTENTS 7 section Page SpEi-IF*C*TIi)NS ____________--_---_----------------------- ii 1. GESE&AJ DESCRIPT~OA---------------------------------------- 1 2. OPERATIOS-------------------------------------------------- 3 3. CIRCUIT ~ESCR~pT~ON---------------------------------------- 4 4. MAINTENANCE------------------------------------------------ 6 5. REPMCEI\BLE PARTS------------------------------------------ 7 SCHEMATIC-------------------------------------------------- 15 0472 i SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 241 . SPEClFlCATlONS OUTPUT: Voltage 0 to 1OW vdfs de in 0.01~volt steps. Current: 20 milliamperes dc maximum. Polrrlly: Posiiive or negative. Floaling: WI volts maximum ofi chassis ground. ACCURACY: aO.05gk of dial setting or 4 millivolt. whichever iS greater. RESOLUTION: A "Trim" potentiometer permits interpolation between sleps with a resolution of betler than 1W microvoI1s. TEMPERATURk COEFFICIENT OF REFERENCE: &lo Ppm/T. LINE RLGULATION: *O.WS% or 1 millivolt for 10% line change. LOAD REGULATION: ~O.OOSqb,rom"o,oad tofull bad. RIPPLE AND NOISE: Less than 1 millivolt rms above 5 cps. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: Less than 0.05 ohm at dc. RECOVERY TIME: No load to full load. less than 1 second lo OVERLOAD PROTECTION: Ovtwt is disconnected within 50 millisecondsif currsn~axseedi.pploximately24 milliamperes. CONNECTORS: Output: Tefkninrulated UHF type. POWER: 105.125 or210.250 VD,~S.60.60 cps. IOS watts. DIMENSIONS. WEIGHT:l'high x Wwidsx12'deep; netweight. 25 pounds. ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Mating co""estors. ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE: Model 1491 End Frames: adapts Model 241

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