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Now downloading free:Keithley 2991 RFXsistor Pulse Test

Keithley 2991 RFXsistor Pulse Test free download

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A GREAT ER M EA SU R E O F C O N F I D E N C E referred to as the operating point or quies- cent point (q-point). The technique in this type of testing is application of a low duty cycle pulse (typically <1%) to the device under test (DUT), which avoids self-heating and carrier trapping. As shown in the left view of Figure 1, each point on the curve is the result of a pulse measurement made on the DUT during the settled or flat portion of the pulse. In practice, many pulse measure- ments are averaged to improve the quality of measurement results. The second type of PIV testing is the Dual Channel Pulse transient or single pulse test (right view in Figure 1). In this case, the test results are presented as a view of the measurement Testing Simplifies pulse, or an average of multiple pulses. The measured signal is plotted as the DUT's volt- age or current versus time response, showing RF Transistor

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