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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6590-0 PLIcompuSbr 1966

IBM C28-6590-0 PLIcompuSbr 1966 free download

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File No. 8360-29 Form C28-6590-0 OS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System PL/I Subroutine Library Computational Subroutines Program Number 3S0S-:LM-512 This publication gives details of the computational subroutines available in the PL/I Library. These subroutines are used by the PL/I (F) compiler in the implementa- tion of PL/I built-in functions and of the operators used in the evaluation of PL/I expressions. Not all PL/I built-in func- tions and expression operators are support- ed by the PL/I Library; the compiler gener- ates in-line code for a small number of them. The details provided include timing figures, surrmaries of the mathematical methods used, and (where appropriate) fig- ures for range and accuracy. This informa- tion is intended to be of interest chiefly to those programmers concerned with the performance of computational subprograms. PREFACE This publication provides the PL/I pro- IBM Systeml360 Principles of Operation, grammer with detailed information about the Form A22-6821 computational subroutines which are part of the OS/360 PL/I Library. IBM Svstem/360 Operating System PL/I: The reader is assumed to be a programmer Language Specifications, Form C28-6571 with a particular concern for performance information associated with individual modules. The numerical analyst is provided IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I (F) with a description of the algorithms, and a Programmer's Guide, li'orm C28-6594 specification of accuracy and range, where these are considered to be significant. IBM Systeml360 Operating System: Assem- Useful background reading is provided in nler Language, Form C28-6514 the following IBM publications: Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. A form for reader's comments appears at the back of this publication. It may be mailed directly to IBM. Address any additional comments concerning this publication to the IBM Corporation, Department 039,1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020.

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