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Now downloading free:IBM H20-0544-0 PL1 SSP Ovrv 68

IBM H20-0544-0 PL1 SSP Ovrv 68 free download

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- -- ===::.~ --. .-..- _. .= - --- _._-- -.-.--- -- _ ... -.~- -- - ... Application Program H20-0544-0 System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package (PL/IJ Application Description The System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package (SSP) (PL/I) is a collection of mathematical and statistical subroutines (or procedures) written in the PL/I language. It provides the PL/I user with most of the basic capabilities in earlier FORTRAN versions of SSP /360. It also has the same basic characteristics as the FORTRAN versions, in that it consists of input/output-free computational building blocks, written completely in PL/I, which may be combined with a user's input, output, or computational routines as needed. The package may be applied to the solution of many problems in industry, science, and engineering. This Application Description presents an introduction to the program, a list of the capabilities of the package, rules of usage, machine configu.ration, programming systems, and a list of reference material. CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . 1 Areas of Application . . . . . 1 Characteristics . . . . . . . . 2 Functional Capabilities of SSP /360 (PL/I) 2 Mathematics . . 2 Statistics. . . 7 Subroutine Usage 9 Required Systems . . . . 9 Programming Systems . . . . 9 Machine Configuration 9 Precision . . . . . 10 Reference Material 10 Note: This programming package is being developed with the cooperation and assistance of IBM Germany and IBM France. First Edition Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publication will be reported in subsequent rev

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