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Now downloading free:IBM 229-2116-2 360 30 FE Handbook

IBM 229-2116-2 360 30 FE Handbook free download

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File name 229-2116-2_360_30_FE_Handbook.pdf

Field Engineering Handbook System/360 Model 30 'Ii' 10)0 'IY.i' L!J~~ (i) Field Engineering Handbook System/360 Model 30 Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to: IBM Corporation, FE Technical Operations, Department 793, Endicott, New York 13760 CONTENTS M2I GATE AND SELECTION LOGIC. DIODE PACK - PIN 2391181. . . 2 DIODE LAYOUT - 32K ARRANGEMENT 2 ORIENTATION OF DIODE PACK (BY DIODE iI). 3 POWER RESISTOR LOCA TION. . . . . . 3 ARRAY LAYOUT . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MAIN ADDRESS REGISTER LAYOUT (M&N) 5 PLUG CHART - B1 BOARD . . 6 PLUG CHART - B2 BOARD . . . M2 MAIN STORAGE ADDRESSING . . ROS ADDRESSING BLOCK DIAGRAM 10 ROS ADDRESSING - CARD POSITIONS 10 ROS PARITY CHECK BITS 12 LOCAL STORAGE - CPU . . . . . 13 I FORMA T FOR K ADDRESSABLE BYTES 13 TRACK FORMATS. . . . . . . . . . . 14 BETA GAP BIT CONFIGURATION. . . . . 15 HA AND ALPHA GAP BIT CONFIGURATION 16 PROGRAM STATUS WORD. . 17 CHANNEL STATUS WORD. . 18 TRAPS IN PRIORITY ORDER. 19 ROS ADDRESS . . . . . . 19 READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL. 20 S-Reg., MC-Reg., H-Reg., ALU Controls 25 Micro-Word Format. . . . . 26 ROS Control Field Description. 26 ROS CONTROL FIELD CHART. . 27 SYSTEM/360 MOD 30 DATA FLOW 28 MULTIPLEX CHANNEL MICRO-PROGRAM DATA FLOW/TIMING . . . . . . 29 ADDRESSING OF UCW - I/O FORMAT 30 UNIT CONTROL WORD. . . . . . 31 MULTIPLEX CHANNEL CONTROL . 31 STATUS-IN AND SERVICE-IN BRANCHES 32 SELECTOR CHANNEL CONTROL. 32 CPU CHANNEL LOGOUT . . . 35 MPX AND SX MICRO P!l.OGRAM . 36 1050 INTERFACE REGISTERS . . 37 REGISTER DISPLAY AND FUNCTION 38 IBM 1407 CONSOLE INQUIRY STATION AND IBM 1447 CONSOLE MODELS 2 & 3 40 1401 OPERATION CODES. 41 1400 d MODIFIERS. . . . . 42 d Characters For Branch . 42 d Characters For Branch If Wordmark Or Zone . . . 43 d Characters For Form Control 43 BCD TO CM6 CONVERSION - 1401 CODE TO SYSTEM/360 CODE . . . . . . . 44 SUGGESTED STANDARD ADDRESSES . . . 45 CONTENTS 1400 COMPATIBILITY - PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS. .

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