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Now downloading free:Keithley 98220B(KPCI1800HC)

Keithley 98220B(KPCI1800HC) free download

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File name 98220B(KPCI1800HC).pdf

KPCI-1800HC Series PCI Bus Data Acquisition Board User's Manual A GREATER MEASURE OF CONFIDENCE WARRANTY Hardware Keithley Instruments, Inc. warrants that, for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment, the Keithley Hardware product will be free from defects in materials or workmanship. This warranty will be honored provided the defect has not been caused by use of the Keithley Hardware not in accordance with the instructions for the product. This warranty shall be null and void upon: (1) any modification of Keithley Hardware that is made by other than Kei- thley and not approved in writing by Keithley or (2) operation of the Keithley Hardware outside of the environmental specifications therefore. Upon receiving notification of a defect in the Keithley Hardware during the warranty period, Keithley will, at its option, either repair or replace such Keithley Hardware. During the first ninety days of the warranty period, Keithley will, at its option, supply the necessary on site labor to return the product to the condition prior to the notification of a defect. Failure to notify Keithley of a defect during the warranty shall relieve Keithley of its obli- gations and liabilities under this warranty. Other Hardware The portion of the product that is not manufactured by Keithley (Other Hardware) shall not be covered by this warranty, and Keithley shall have no duty of obligation to enforce any manufacturers' warranties on behalf of the customer. On those other manufacturers' products that Keithley pur- chases for resale, Keithley shall have no duty of obligation to enforce any manufacturers' warranties on behalf of the customer. Software Keithley warrants that for a period of one (1) year from date of shipment, the Keithley produced portion of the software or firmware (Keithley Software) will conform in all material respects with the published specifications provided such Keithley Software is used on the product for which it is intended and otherwise in accordance with the instructions therefore. Keithley does not warrant that operation of the Keithley Software will be uninterrupted or error-free and/or that the Keithley Software will be adequate for the customer's intended application and/or use. This warranty shall be null and void upon any modification of the Keithley Software that is made by other than Keithley and not approved in writing by Keithley. If Keithley receives notification of a Keithley Software nonconformity that is covered by this warranty during the warranty period, Keithley will review the conditions described in such notice. Such notice must state the published specification(s) to which the Keithley Software fails to conform and the manner in which the Keithley Software fails to conform to such published specification(s) with sufficient specificity to permit Keithley to correct such nonconformity. If Keithley determines that the Keithley Softwar

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