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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6543-3 Sort Merge Feb67

IBM C28-6543-3 Sort Merge Feb67 free download

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File No. S360-33 Form C28-6543-3 OS 2.4 APR REC'O Systems Reference Library " ,1 IBM System/360 Operating System Sort/Merge Program Number 360S-SM-023 This publication contains specifications for the IBM System/360 Operating System Sort/Merge program u including control statement preparation, program operation, I/O device assignment, and timing esti- mates. The program has generalized sorting and merging capabilities that can be tai- lored to the needs of particular installa- tions and applications. J PREFACE . This publication is a guide for users of The following publications, that are the system/360 Operating Systero Sort/Merge referred to throughout this text, also program. It contains a general description contain pertinent information: of the program and specific information about control statement formats, program operation, user-written routines, and effi- IBM System/360 Operating System: Control cient use of the program. A description of Program Services, Form C28-6541 program-generated messages and timing esti- mates for over 5,000 sorting applications are also included. IBM System/360 Operating System: Data Management, Form C28-6537 The reader should have a thorough under- standing of the material in the publica- IBM System/360 Operating System: Job tions IBM System/360 Operating system: Control Language, Form C28-6539 Introduction, Form C28-6534, and IBM System/360 Operating System: Concepts and IBM System/360 Operating System: Linkage Facilities, Form C28-6535. Editor, Form C28-6538 A working knowledge of general sorting IBM System/360 Operating System: Storage and merging techniques is also assumed. Estimates, Form C28-6551 General information about sorting and merg- ing is contained in the IBM publication IBM System/360 Operating System: System Sorting Techniques, Form C20-1639. Generation, Form C28-6554 This publication has been revised to support the Release #10 version of the Sort/Merge program. Therefo~e, the information contained should not be used until that version is available. In addition, this publication includes preliminary timings to enable

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