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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6571-3 PL I Language Specifications Jul66

IBM C28-6571-3 PL I Language Specifications Jul66 free download

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File No. S360-29 Form C28-6571-3 I , Systems Reference Library IBM System/3S0 Operating System PL/I Language Specifications This manual is a description of the full facilities of PL/I to be implemented under the System/360 Operating System. However. the reader should not assume that all facilities will be available at initial release. Manuals for speci- fic System/360 implementations will be released later. Another publication will be issued specifying a subset of the facilities of the language described in this manual. This subset is planned for implementation under the System/360 Disk and Operating System. PREFACE This publication is a reference manual directed toward the programmer who has for the entire PL/I Language. All of the a working knowledge of FORTRAN. features to be implemented under the System/360 Operating System are described herein. 3. A Guide to PL/I for Coremerical Pro- grammers, Student Text, Form C20-1651, However, this manual does not approach is intended for the programmer who has PL/I from a tutorial point of view. There experience in commercial applications. are other IBM publications that perform Comparisons between PL/I and COBOL this function. These publications and (COmmon Business Oriented Language) their intended audience are as follows: are included in this guide. 1. A PL/I Primer, student Text, Form C28-6808, is intended for the novice Introductory information about PL/I may programmer who has little or' no knowl- also be found in the Student Text, An edge of data processing, as well as Introduction to PL/I, Form C20-1632. for the experienced programmer who wants to learn PL/I. A familiarity with the contents of A 2. A Guide to PL/I for FORTRAN Users, PL/I Primer is recorrmended for the users of student Text, Form C20-1637, is this reference manual. MAJOR REVISION (JULY, 1966) This publication, Form C28-6571-3, obsoletes the previous edition, Form C28-6571-2. New tex- tual information and significant changes are iden- tified by vertical lines to the left of the added and changed text. Among the additions and significant changes are (1) the complete respecification of compile-time facilities (Chapter 9), (2) the new attribute

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