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Now downloading free:IBM H20-0185-1 1440 ATS termOpe

IBM H20-0185-1 1440 ATS termOpe free download

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File name H20-0185-1_1440_ATS_termOpe.pdf

-=:===- - - -- ___ - - - 1--..-- - - ==: -...- -- =---- - _-- --~- =:= ==- - -~- -~- - ':' - Application Program H20-018S-I 144[J/14S[J Administrative Terminal System (ATS) (144[J-CX-[J7X and 14S[J-CX-[J8X) Terminal [Jperator's Manual This system consists of control and functional programs that permit many different text- processing activities to be carried on simultaneously through different terminals. This manual is a reference manual which includes all information required by a t~erminal operator t:o use the program. This revision (H20-0l85-l) contains many clarifications and Minor revisions to 1120-0185-0. It should be ~eviewed in its entirety. The mos~ significant changes are: 1. In the section "Storage Reports" all references to the ATTNq action should be replaced by references to ATTN !g, for Version 2 and later revisions of the program. 2. In the section "Storage and Retrieval from Tape", note that there is a message "TAPE" printed at the terminal if there are any errors in reading ~r writing magnetic tapes. The transfer request should be repeated if this message occurs. 3. In the section "Upper- and Lowercase Chain Printer Output" revised overstrike codes are provided in Version 2 and later revisions of the program to permit easy recognition of all 120 characters. This publication was prepared for production using the IBM 1440/1460 AdMinistrative Terminal System. Page impressions for photo-offset printing were obtained from a typewriter terminal and then reduced 15 percent. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Comments on this publication should be addressed t:o: IBH Corporation, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, New York 10601. CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION ... 1 THE 'I.'ERMINAI.I ... . 2 General

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