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File name Sharp bulletin DV-7032SC.pdf

File name Sharp bulletin General-002.pdf

CTV990504 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: May 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 7 MODELS BCTVA Chassis CW100 Chassis DECO-5 Chassis S3B Chassis 4BS-C Chassis CS Chassis 4BS-B Chassis CA1 Chassis D3000 Chassis 4BS-A Chassis CA10 Chassis DECO-4 Chassis 5BS- A Chassis To assist with the adjustments of the above chassis, the list below details how to enter the various service modes. BCTVA Chassis 66AS06H, DV5932H, DV5935H, DV5937H and DV6635H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal Tune to this signal Connect a jumper wire between terminals 2 (GND) and 6 (Service) of the service slot on the Video Unit SERVICE SOFTWARE will appear on the screen Remove the jumper wire Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data Turn the receiver off at the mains to exit the service mode Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW060599/1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units CTV990504 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4BS-C Chassis DV5940H, DV6640H and 66AS05H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal Tune to this signal Connect a jumper wire between terminals 2 (GND) and 6 (Service) of the service slot on the Text Unit SERVICE SOFTWARE will appear on the screen Remove the jumper wire Month of Issue: May 1999 Classification: White Page 2 of 7 Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the data Use the standby button on the remote control to store the data Turn the set off at the mains to exit the service mode. CA1 Chassis 37DM23H, 37DT25H, 37ET35H, 37EM33H and 51DT25H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal Tune to this signal Turn the receiver off using the mains button Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at the same time Keeping these buttons pressed, turn the mains on When the set starts up it will be in service mode Release the two buttons Use the channel up and down buttons to move between the options Use the volume control buttons to change the data The data is stored automatically at switch off To exit the service mode, press the standby button on the remote control. Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW060599/1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units CTV990504 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN CA10 Chassis 51DS02H, 51DS03H, 51DS05H, 59DS03H, 59DS05H, 59ES03H, 59ES05H, 59ESD7H, 66DS03H, 66DS05H, 66ES05H and 66ESD7H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal Tune to this signal Turn the receiver off using the mains button Press the volume down and channel up buttons on the front of the receiver at th
File name Sharp bulletin Serv-modes.pdf

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File name Sharp bulletin Vcm301Hm-003.pdf

VCR990203 VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: Febuary 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS VCM301HM VCMH73HM VCM311HM VCMH731HM VCMH711HM VCMH721HM SYMPTOM Intermittent reel functions as below. 1. Intermittent fast forward (may occur in standby) 2. Intermittent rewind (may occur in standby) 3. Intermittent play to fast forward or rewind CAUSE ACTION REF NO Q701 Q702 Start and/or end sensor. Change the start and end sensors. DESCRIPTION Start sensor End sensor PART NUMBER RH-PX0233GEZZ RH-PX0233GEZZ PRICE CODE AD AD Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW230299/1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Vcm301Hm-009.pdf

VCR990801 VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: August 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS VCMH721HM VCM311HM VCM301HM VCMH73HM VCMH311AHM VCMH730HM VCM331HM VCMH711HM VCM321HM SYMPTOM The PDC function does not work if the start time minutes are other than 00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or 55. CAUSE ACTION Software bug. Replace IC701 and IC705 from the listing below. Note IC701 for models as follows. RH-IX1417GEN2 VCM331HM, VCMH731HM RH-IX1419GEN4 VCMH721HM, VCM321HM, VCMH73HM, VCMH730HM, VCM311AHM RH-IX1420GEN4 VCM311HM, VCM711HM, VCM301HM REF NO IC701 IC701 IC701 IC705 DESCRIPTION Microprocessor Microprocessor Microprocessor EEPROM PART NUMBER RH-IX1417GEN2 RH-IX1419GEN4 RH-IX1420GEN4 VHISLA2408S-1 PRICE CODE BB AZ AY AF Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference TB-T9905071 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Vcm301Hm-011.pdf

VCR991001 VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: October 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS VCM301HM VCM331HM VCMH730HM VCM311HM VCMH711HM VCMH731HM VCM311AHM VCM721HM VCM321HM VCMH73HM SYMPTOM In certain circumstances, it may be possible for the VCR to start up automatically from the standby mode. Normally the machine enters the playback mode (if a tape is inserted), plays to the end then rewinds and returns to standby. CAUSE This problem can be caused by a number of reasons 1. Noise on the operate PWB (normally when the display reads 1:16:11 pr1). 2. Erratic operation of the start and/or end sensor. 3. Dry joints on IC701. ACTION Take the following remedial action. 1. Fit SMD capacitors C810 and C812 to the PWB. 2. Replace the start and end sensors. 3. Reflow the solder on IC701. REF NO C810 C812 DESCRIPTION Capacitor, 120pf SMD Capacitor, 120pf SMD PART NUMBER VCCCCY1HH121J VCCCCY1HH121J PRICE CODE AA AA Note that C810 and C812 are located at the front edge of the Main PWB (left hand side as viewed from the front of the machine) Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference TB-T9909072 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Vcm301Hm-015.pdf

VCR2000 03 01 Month of Issue: Classification: VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS VCM301HM VCM331HM VCM730HM VCM311HM VCMH711HM VCMH721HM VCM311AHM VCMH721HM March 2000 White Page 1 of 1 VCM321HM VCMH73HM SYMPTOM This is an addition to technical bulletin number VCR991101. In certain circumstances it may be possible for the VCR to automatically start up from standby mode. The VCR can start up automatically, play to the end of the tape where the end-sensor will action the tape to rewind to the start of the tape and finally eject. CAUSE Electrical noise on the matrix of the operation PWB will cause the unit to set into play mode. This is most likely when the digitron displays 1:16:11 pr1. 1) Main PWB DUNTK5533**** with shuttle. Add 120pF surface mount capacitor to the main PWB at the locations C810 and C812. 2) Main PWB DUNTK5722**** with shuttle. Add capacitor (VCKYD41HB101K 100pF) to two positions, as follows: a) Between RJ107 to GND (Ground). b) AO connector pin 4 to JP237 (GND). 3) Main PWB DUNTK5722**** without shuttle. Delete jumper wires RJ108 and RJ109 (VRS-CY1JF000J) on main PWB located by SW810. Please update your Service Manual with the parts listed below. ACTION REF NO C810 & C812 DESCRIPTION 120pF Capacitor 100pF Capacitor PART NUMBER VCCCCY1HH121J VCKYD41HB101K PRICE CODE AA AA Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference TBT0002086 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Vcm301Hm-017.pdf

VCR990202 VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS VCM301HM VCM321HM VCMH721HM VCM302HM VCM331HM VCMH73HM Month of Issue: February 1999 Classification: Yellow Page 1 of 2 VCM311HM VCM522HM VCMH731HM VCM312HM VCMH711HM SYMPTOM Failure of the bias oscillator, leading to permanent erase or loss of the linear audio track during record and playback. CAUSE Due to an increase in the localised heat generated by T651, Q651 can go out of tolerance. This may lead to Q652 and R658 failing as well. ACTION Carry out the following circuit change. 1. 2. 3. 4. Replace R658 with the same type. Replace C655 with a 47uF, 16V capacitor. Replace L651 with the one listed below. Replace Q652. If the PWB is damaged so that this component can not be fitted, follow the instructions on page 2 to fit a radical component. 5. Replace Q651 where necessary and bending it away from the transformer, as shown in the diagram below. REF NO R658 C655 L651 Q652 DESCRIPTION Resistor Capacitor Coil Transistor PART NUMBER VRD-RA2EE4R7J VCEA9M1CW476M+ VP-DF221K0000 VSDTC323TS/-1 PRICE CODE AA AA AB AB Push Q651 away from T651 as shown Q651 connections (as viewed from the base of the device) Figure 1: Correct Positioning of Q651 Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference TBT9902066 Revision 4 White ­ Carry out as required Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service Red ­ Carry out on all units VCR990202 VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: February 1999 Classification: White Page 2 of 2 C E B Figure 2: Location of Q652 Fit the radial transistor (Q652) as shown in the diagram above. Note that the pin connections of Q652 are the same as Q651. C (collector) to the negative end of C655. E (emitter) to the negative end of C654. B (base) to the jumper wire J176. Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference TBT9902066 Revision 4 White ­ Carry out as required Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Vcm301Hm-018.pdf

VCR2000 04 01 Month of Issue: Classification: VIDEO TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS VCM301HM April 2000 White Page 1 of 1 SYMPTOM No motor actions. CAUSE R711 open circuit and IC702 short circuit. ACTION Replace R711 and IC702 using the part numbers given below. REF NO IC702 R711 PART NUMBER VHiBA6978S/-1 VRG-SC2EB1R0J DESCRIPTION Motor Drive IC Resistor, 1R 0.25W PRICE CODE AL AB Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference JR04042000-1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name sharp bulletin_CS_ chassis_faults.pdf

CTV990113 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: January 1998 Classification: White Page 1 of 2 MODELS 51CS03H 59CSD8H 51CS05H 66CS03H 59CS03H 66CS05H 59CS05H 66CSD8H Symptom Dead no sound or vision) Q701 & Q601 failed Possible Remedy * Q601 failed Q601 s/c and failure of audio o/p stage No voltage at Q701 drain NICAM LED on or flashing (aerial disconnected) D609, D610, D720, D718, Q702, Q703, C601, C604, C619, C714, C708, R706, R707, R720 and inspect scan coils and scan coil socket for bad connections. D609, D610, C601, C604, C619 and inspect scan coils/scan coil socket for bad connections. Q601 failed due to missing - 16V rail (supply to o/p stage). Leave Q601 out of circuit until you have confirmed that both the +16V and the -16V rails are correct. Technical Bulletin CTV970201 (Issued Feb 97) See flowchart on page 2 HT rail present, no line drive, NICAM LED switches on for Check R611 and IC201 3-6 seconds then goes off (ariel disconnected) Keeps switching to standby Check audio output stage for a short circuit HT rail missing-unsolder pin 2 of 0V Power supply not running (check CTV is not in LOPTX and measure the HT rail standby mode 20V-40V Short on one of the secondary LT supply rails e.g. audio o/p stage 110V-150V Short circuit on line o/p stage Line drive pulsating IC401 not communicating with micro Line drive pulsating and R628 (R634 in later Q704 (low standby/sound 5V rail) models) burning Slow start up i.e. more than 3-6 seconds for C714 (please ensure that this is replaced with the line oscillator to start depending on model specified part) Audio Problems Intermittent sound Whistle on the Audio (later models only) Distorted sound Technical Bulletin CTV970203 or CTV980204 Damage print feeding 40V to R368 IC301 (MSP3410) Vertical O/P Stage Faults No or intermittent vertical output Failure of vertical output stage Intermittent frame cramping Rainbow effect (no line pulses at IC501 pin 2) Rainbow effect and R628 (R634 in later models) open circuit Technical Bulletin CTV970207 (Issued Feb 97) Technical Bulletin CTV970202 (Issued Feb 97) & check Q507/8/9 Replace D501, D502, D507, D512, C506 & C507 C501 R631 or R632 fusible resistors Originator AvW Supervisor Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Approval Date / / Revision 1 Reference AVW120199/2 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units CTV990113 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Symptom Possible Remedy Month of Issue: January 1998 Classification: White Page 2 of 2 Other Problems East West correction Blank raster and flyback lines when hot Blank raster ( no sandcastle pulse) Tuner drift Check D605, D612, D619, D621 & R628 (R634 in later models) Technical Bulletin CTV970204 (issued Feb 97) D602 Technical Bulletin CTV970806 (Issued Feb 97) Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. D609 & D610 may not read faulty. Q601, IC201 & C601 are different devices in the 51cm than the larger models. Before r

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