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File name Sharp bulletin 66FW53H-074.pdf

!"#$%%%&%'&$( !"#$%&"'&())*+,& 456))7'786$7"#, ")*)#+,+-.&")!/.+!0*&12**)"+. D-E)*, FGHIFJ/ LGHIFK/ GGHIFJ/ GGHIFK/ -".+/0+1&2333 9%7$+ :6;+&<&"'&2 LGHIFJ/ M)0,-. 0!"+-. M)H&.A A A A A A RN<3<> (4_&S>YNN@L (4_&4-FN<3<> (4_&S>YNN@L (4_&4-F<@PV H16#)7)$"1_&2J4YVaP L5C068W&H16#)'"1/+1 D-E)* NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM NOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM OOL9NPM N0M"&.2D1)M QLJMR<33-RLZ==[\Z VOL9NPM4(=4[(H =MAR^3Y@YS!TT =MAZ^3NNYS!TT =MA(^YNN@L`A< =MAL^3<<3S!TT =H=-L23OaS!TT 44>SS<3a@S!?3 XRU=L<3N3S!J> QLJMR<33-RLZ==[\Z VOL9NPM4(=4[(H =MAR^3Y@YS!TT =MAZ^3NNYS!TT 4MA(^YNN@L`A< =MAL^3<<3S!TT ?J2J><@PV``A< ?J2J4YVaP``A< =H=-L23OaS!TT NM+!)&!-E) >> >> >L >S >> >> >Z >> >J >4 >R >T SZ >Z >> >> >X >S >> >> >Z >> >^ >J >4 >R >Z >Z >T ,3456&)789:5;<=9>&?2@A&*=B=:8C =+'+1+#8+&>?9223@2333A< =+.7)7"#&2 9%7$+&B&4611C&"*$&6)&1+D*71+E F+55"G&B&4611C&"*$&6)&1+D*71+E&6#E&G%+#+.+1&$%+&*#7$&8"/+)&7#&'"1&)+1.78+ =+E&B&4611C&"*$&"#&655&*#7$) !"#$%%%&%'&$( !"#$%&"'&())*+,& 456))7'786$7"#, ")*)#+,+-.&")!/.+!0*&12**)"+. M)H&.A A A A A RN<3<> (4_&S>YNN@L (4_&4-FN<3<> (4_&S>YNN@L (4_&4-F<@PV H16#)7)$"1_&2J4YVaP L5C068W&H16#)'"1/+1 4%"II+1&H16#)'"1/+1 L"8*)&4"#$1"5&[#7$ L*)+&M"5E+1 L*)+&M"5E+1 UI+16$7"#&!6#*65 Q*78W&X*7E+ L+11*5+ ]]L9NYM& :1"A\";78& 6#E& !67# 4718*7$&R76;16/ R7"E+ (4_&HZ>N<3<> (4_&S>YNN@L (4_&4-F
File name Sharp bulletin 66FW53H-cct.pdf

File name Sharp bulletin 66FW53H-pin.pdf

CTV991203 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: November 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS 56FW53H 76FW54H 66FW53H 66FW54H 76FW53H SYMPTOM Loss of PIN code. If you recieve a request to remove the PIN number for protection of the Post Code setting, please first ascertain the legal ownership of the product by checking for proof of purchase. ACTION To remove the PIN code follow the procedure outlined below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter the test mode. Select NVM page 08, position 3F and change its value from 01 to 00. Press the standby button on the remote control to memorise. Switch the set off, then on again using the mains switch. It will now be possible to enter a new PIN number and Post Code. Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference JC191199-1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin 76FW53H-002.pdf

50Hz Colour Television DA100 and DW100 Chassis Colour Television ­ DA100/DW100 Chassis Contents POWER SUPPLIES...1 Switch Mode Power Supply...1 Start up operation...1 Voltage regulation ...2 Over-voltage Protection...2 Over-current control ...2 Slave Processor Power Supply...3 Degauss Circuit...4 5v Regulator ...5 DA100 (59ESD7H and 66ESD7H) 4:3 chassis...5 DW100 (56FW53H to 6FW54H) 16:9 chassis ...6 CLASS D OUTPUT STAGES ...7 Tda7480 Pin Functions...7 Pin 9 ­ Frequency ...7 Pin 12 ­ Mute/Standby function ...7 Audio Output...8 Field Output ...9 Vertical Fly-back...10 VIDEO AND SYNC PROCESSOR ...11 Description...11 Analogue front-end...11 Input Selector...11 Clamping...
File name Sharp bulletin 76FW53H-005.pdf

CTV991203 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: November 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS 56FW53H 76FW54H 66FW53H 66FW54H 76FW53H SYMPTOM Loss of PIN code. If you recieve a request to remove the PIN number for protection of the Post Code setting, please first ascertain the legal ownership of the product by checking for proof of purchase. ACTION To remove the PIN code follow the procedure outlined below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter the test mode. Select NVM page 08, position 3F and change its value from 01 to 00. Press the standby button on the remote control to memorise. Switch the set off, then on again using the mains switch. It will now be possible to enter a new PIN number and Post Code. Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference JC191199-1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin 76FW53H-050.pdf

File name Sharp bulletin ChassisID.pdf

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
File name Sharp bulletin Dv3751H-adj.pdf

File name Sharp bulletin Dv5107H-002.pdf

CTV970506 Month of Issue : Classification : May 1997 White Page 1 of 1 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS DV5107H DV5132H DV5135H REASON During production, the value of R722 in the primary of the power supply has been changed to ensure that there is no intermittent turn on of the power supply. From the May 95 production of the above sets, R722 has been changed from a 120 Ohm resistor to a 270 Ohm resistor Use the part number below for the new type of R722. ACTION REF NO R722 DESCRIPTION Resistor, 270R PART NUMBER VRD-RA2BE271J PRICE CODE AA Originator White - Carry out as required $Y: Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Supervisor CE Technical Support Group Approval Date / / Reference UK71402 Red - Carry out on all units Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5107H-006.pdf

Date : 21 December 1998 Model: DV5132H Ref No: DV5132-002 Classification: Immediate TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Subject : Failure of R612 Page 1 of 1 REASON R612 fails for no apparent reason. ACTION Replace R612 and increase the value of R633 to 2.2$ ½w. Note: R633 and R612 are safety components and must be replaced with the parts listed below. REF NO R612 R633 DESCRIPTION 2.2$ ½W 2.2$ ½W PART NUMBER RR-XZ0204BMZZ RR-XZ0204BMZZ PRICE CODE AB AB Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd Technical Support Group Originator ________ Supervisor_________ Approval Date ___/___/___ UK51800X
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5107H-021.pdf

CTV991206 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: December 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV5105H DV5107H DV5132H SYMPTOM Intermittent failure of the power supply. CAUSE ACTION Various components. If Q702 immediately goes short circuit when the set is turned on, check that D716 has not gone short circuit or that T700 (chopper transformer) is not short circuit across pins 7 and 2. Note that D716 is connected across Q702 emitter earth return resistor, as this is only 0.22, D716 needs to be removed before testing. If the power supply works, but fails after being run on soak test, replace D708 and D709, also check that the main smoothing block (C705) has not got loose rivets. In some cases it is possible for the HT to rise significantly during standby, the normal value of the HT in standby is anywhere between 120VDC and 130VDC ( this rise is due to the line output load being removed). If this increases above 130VDC, there is a problem. Check the feedback circuit around the opto coupler and D751. Note that it is important that Q702 is replaced with the correct type or long term reliability problems will ensue (MJF18006). The HT voltage should be set to 113VDC on a blue screen (pull out the aerial and wait a few minutes - the screen will turn blue due to lack of line sync). REF NO C705 D708 D709 D716 D751 Q702 T700 DESCRIPTION Capacitor, 100uF 400V Diode, 1N4934 Diode, 1N4934 Diode, 1N4148 Diode Transistor, MJF18006 Chopper transformer PART NUMBER RC-EZ0104BMZZ RH-DX0519BMZZ RH-DX0519BMZZ RH-DX0045BMZZ RH-DX0226CEZZ RH-TX0119BMZZ RTRNZ0514BMZZ PRICE CODE AP AB AB AA AC AL AU Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW031299-1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5107H-023.pdf

CTV991207 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: December 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV5105H DV5107H DV5132H SYMPTOM Intermittent operation leading to any of the following symptoms. · · · · Set starts up then shuts down with the LED red Set starts up then shuts down with the LED changing between red and green Set shuts down intermittently, normally when there is high beam current Intermittent start up - improves when warm CAUSE ACTION R751, R777, D751, D700, C756 and/or R612. The above faults are normally caused by R751 and R777 going high in resistance. Both of these resistors are 0.33 and go high by a few hundred milliohms, as most multimeters are unable to resolve resistances less than 1 it is advised to check by subsitution. In some cases, intermittent start up has been traced to D700 (HT rectifier), D751 (prefive volt rectifier) or C756 (smoothing capacitor). Once agian it is best to replace these components if in doubt. R612 is the supply feed resistor to the vertical stage. All sets should be modified so that a 1.2, 0.5W resistor is fitted in series with R612. To do this, replace wire link J13 with the resistor. Note that the HT supply should be 113VDC on a blue screen (pull the aerial out and wait a few minutes - the blue screen will appear due to lack of line sync). REF NO R751 R777 D700 D751 C756 R612 J13 DESCRIPTION Resistor, 0.33R, 1W Resistor, 0.33R, 1W Diode Diode Capacitor 2200µF, 25V Resistor 2.2, 0.5W Resistor 1.2, 0.5W PART NUMBER VRN-VV3ABR33J VRN-VV3ABR33J RH-DX0110CEZZ RH-DX0226CEZZ VCEAGH1EW228M RR-XZ0204BMZZ VRD-RA2HD1R2J PRICE CODE AB AB AB AC AE AA AA Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW031299-2 Revision 2 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin dv5132h.pdf

CTV991207 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: December 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV5105H DV5107H DV5132H SYMPTOM Intermittent operation leading to any of the following symptoms. · · · · Set starts up then shuts down with the LED red Set starts up then shuts down with the LED changing between red and green Set shuts down intermittently, normally when there is high beam current Intermittent start up - improves when warm CAUSE ACTION R751, R777, D751, D700, C756 and/or R612. The above faults are normally caused by R751 and R777 going high in resistance. Both of these resistors are 0.33 and go high by a few hundred milliohms, as most multimeters are unable to resolve resistances less than 1 it is advised to check by subsitution. In some cases, intermittent start up has been traced to D700 (HT rectifier), D751 (prefive volt rectifier) or C756 (smoothing capacitor). Once agian it is best to replace these components if in doubt. R612 is the supply feed resistor to the vertical stage. All sets should be modified so that a 1.2, 0.5W resistor is fitted in series with R612. To do this, replace wire link J13 with the resistor. Note that the HT supply should be 113VDC on a blue screen (pull the aerial out and wait a few minutes - the blue screen will appear due to lack of line sync). REF NO R751 R777 D700 D751 C756 R612 J13 DESCRIPTION Resistor, 0.33R, 1W Resistor, 0.33R, 1W Diode Diode Capacitor 2200µF, 25V Resistor 2.2, 0.5W Resistor 1.2, 0.5W PART NUMBER VRN-VV3ABR33J VRN-VV3ABR33J RH-DX0110CEZZ RH-DX0226CEZZ VCEAGH1EW228M RR-XZ0204BMZZ VRD-RA2HD1R2J PRICE CODE AB AB AB AC AE AA AA Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW031299-2 Revision 2 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin DV5132Hps.pdf

CTV991206 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: December 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV5105H DV5107H DV5132H SYMPTOM Intermittent failure of the power supply. CAUSE ACTION Various components. If Q702 immediately goes short circuit when the set is turned on, check that D716 has not gone short circuit or that T700 (chopper transformer) is not short circuit across pins 7 and 2. Note that D716 is connected across Q702 emitter earth return resistor, as this is only 0.22, D716 needs to be removed before testing. If the power supply works, but fails after being run on soak test, replace D708 and D709, also check that the main smoothing block (C705) has not got loose rivets. In some cases it is possible for the HT to rise significantly during standby, the normal value of the HT in standby is anywhere between 120VDC and 130VDC ( this rise is due to the line output load being removed). If this increases above 130VDC, there is a problem. Check the feedback circuit around the opto coupler and D751. Note that it is important that Q702 is replaced with the correct type or long term reliability problems will ensue (MJF18006). The HT voltage should be set to 113VDC on a blue screen (pull out the aerial and wait a few minutes - the screen will turn blue due to lack of line sync). REF NO C705 D708 D709 D716 D751 Q702 T700 DESCRIPTION Capacitor, 100uF 400V Diode, 1N4934 Diode, 1N4934 Diode, 1N4148 Diode Transistor, MJF18006 Chopper transformer PART NUMBER RC-EZ0104BMZZ RH-DX0519BMZZ RH-DX0519BMZZ RH-DX0045BMZZ RH-DX0226CEZZ RH-TX0119BMZZ RTRNZ0514BMZZ PRICE CODE AP AB AB AA AC AL AU Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW031299-1 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5135H-001.pdf

CTV970506 Month of Issue : Classification : May 1997 White Page 1 of 1 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS DV5107H DV5132H DV5135H REASON During production, the value of R722 in the primary of the power supply has been changed to ensure that there is no intermittent turn on of the power supply. From the May 95 production of the above sets, R722 has been changed from a 120 Ohm resistor to a 270 Ohm resistor Use the part number below for the new type of R722. ACTION REF NO R722 DESCRIPTION Resistor, 270R PART NUMBER VRD-RA2BE271J PRICE CODE AA Originator White - Carry out as required $Y: Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Supervisor CE Technical Support Group Approval Date / / Reference UK71402 Red - Carry out on all units Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5150H-001.pdf

CTV970502 Month of Issue : Classification : May 1997 White Page 1 of 1 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS DV5131H DV5150H REASON During production of the above models, the manufacturer of the chopper transformer ( T701 ) has been changed. This change has taken place from the following serial numbers. DV5131H - 715610 DV5150H - 713410 The new transformer is now supplied as an alternative to the original. ACTION When replacing T701 in sets before the serial numbers given above, carry out the following circuit change. 1. 2. 3. Replace R509 with a 2.2R 0.5W resistor. Remove D502 and replace with a wire link. Remove D503. Use the part numbers given below. REF NO T701 R509 D502 DESCRIPTION Chopper Transformer Resistor, 2.2R 0.5W Jumper, 15mm PART NUMBER RTRNZ0511BMZZ VRD-RA2HD2R2J QJUM-2001CEFW PRICE CODE AV AA AA Originator $Y: Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Supervisor CE Technical Support Group / / Reference UK61200X Red - Carry out on all units Approval Date White - Carry out as required Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5150H-004.pdf

TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Subject: Alternative chopper transformer fitting instructions Month of Issue: Classification: DV5131-003 October 1994 Routine Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV5131 DV5150 SYMPTOM During production, the manufacturer of the chopper transformer, T701, was changed. ACTION If chopper transformer, T701, RTRNZ0510BMZZ (current type manufactured by Eldor) ha been fitted then ensure that R746 is 2.29. If chopper transformer, T701, RTRNZ0511BMZZ (alternative type manufactured by Diemen) has been fitted then ensure that R746 is 3.39. Use the part numbers given below. Note that R746 is a safety resistor and the part number below must be used when replacing this item. REF NO T701 T701 R746 R746 DESCRIPTION Chopper TX (alternative) Chopper TX (current) 3.39, ½W (alternative) 2.29, ½W (current) PART NUMBER RTRNZ0511BMZZ RTRNZ0510BMZZ RR-XZ0206BMZZ RR-XZ0204BMZZ PRICE CODE AV AV AB AB Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference UK40300X Revision White Carry out as required Yellow Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service Red Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5150H-016.pdf

CTV990502 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Month of Issue: May 1999 Classification: White Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV3750H DV3751H DV5150H DV5131H Common faults on the S3B Chassis Fault Black lines at bottom of picture Location of R507 Reason Vertical stage tollerance Changes in production Possible Cause Change C510 for a 4.7nF May be on bottom of PWB (negative end of C506 to ground Change NVM location 21 to 5A Refer to Technical Bulletin CTV960904 Remove C874 and fit a 100pF capacitor across R871 Fit a 8.2M resistor from pin 35 (+5V) to pin 39 (osc loop) of IC801 R1035/Q1001 No teletext No teletext/erratic problems Poor teletext response Data corruption Data corruption Poor filter response Chroma slow to lock Poor lock in range No tuning Supply problems Part number for AC retaining clip - LHLDK1501BM00 If you have a fault to add to the above list, please do no hesitate to contact Sharp Technical Support via the Hot Line telephone number. Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference AVW280499/2 Revision 1 White ­ Carry out as required, Yellow ­ Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service, Red ­ Carry out on all units
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5161H-001.pdf

CTV980608 Month of Issue : June 1998 Classification : White TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Page 1 of 1 MODELS DV5161H SYMPTOM Slow switch on, when the line comes up there is a loud screeching and hissing from the line output transformer and R604 starts to smoke. CAUSE ACTION R649 changed in value. Replace R649 using the part number given below. R649 is located across the emitter and collector of Q1010. REF NO R649 DESCRIPTION 15R, 1W PART NUMBER VRS-VV3AB150J PRICE CODE AB Originator $Y: Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Supervisor CE Technical Support Group / / Reference MB240498 Red - Carry out on all units Approval Date White - Carry out as required Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5161H-002.pdf

CTV961101 Issue : Classification : 18/11/96 Routine Page 1 of 1 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS DV5161H SYMPTOM Set occasionally goes to standby. Problem can sometimes be very intermittent. CAUSE ACTION REF NO D602 D602 going high resistance intermittently. Replace D602, using the part number given below. DESCRIPTION Diode PART NUMBER RH-DX0507BMZZ PRICE CODE AB Originator $Y: Supervisor 3*- Approval Date 18/11/96 Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd Technical Support Group EXSER0496
File name Sharp bulletin Dv5161H-017.pdf

TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS DV5161H Month of Issue: Classification: CTV2000 08 15 August 2000 White Page 1 of 1 SYMPTOM Works for about one minute, then shuts down. CAUSE ACTION REF NO C711 C711. Replace C711, using the part number given below. DESCRIPTION Capacitor, 1nF 2000V PART NUMBER RC-KZ0024CEZZ PRICE CODE AA Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited Reference TT04082000-5 Revision White Carry out as required Yellow Carry out as required and whenever the unit comes in for service Red Carry out on all units

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