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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-6535-7 OS Concepts and Facilities Rel 19 Jun70

IBM GC28-6535-7 OS Concepts and Facilities Rel 19 Jun70 free download

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File name GC28-6535-7_OS_Concepts_and_Facilities_Rel_19_Jun70.pdf

File No. S360-20 GC28-6535-7 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System: .Concepts and Facilities This publication describes the basic concepts of the IBMSystem/360 Operating System (the operating system) and guides the programmer in the use of its facilities. The operating system is a comprehensive set of language translators and service programs operating under the supervision and coordination of an integrated control program. It assists the programmer by extending the performance and application of the computing system. I Information concerning Model 195 support is for planning purposes only. Preface This publication introduces the facilities The emphasis in thi~ book is on what of the IBM System/360 Operating system, and elements are contained in the operating explains how they work together. system and how these elements work together. The first section is a general discussion designed to familiarize you with operating system concepts and terminology. A section on designing programs is followed PREREQUISITE PUBLICATION by detailed discussions of the three main operating system functions. Language IBM System/360 Operating System: translator facilities are compared, and Introduction, GC28-6534 examples illustrating the efficient use of the system are given. The two final This publication describes the general sections discuss ~ecovery management and organization, function, and application of mUltiprocessing. A summary of the the operating system. It also introduces publication and a glossary of new terms are other related publications and describes included at the end of the publication. their contents. Seventh Editi6n (June, 1970) This is a major reV1S1on of, and obsoletes, GC28-6535-5. Information added for this new edition includes: extensions to System Management Facilities; Alternate Path Retry and Dynamic Device Reconfiguration; Operating System Volume Statistics; Remote Job Entry; 7094/Model 85 Integrated Emulator; MFT with subtasking; a new system utility program, IEHATLAS; in-stream procedures; direct system output writers; handling of machine malfunctions on the Model 195 by SER routines (Model 195 information is for planning purposes only); Channel-Check Handler Dynamic Loading; SER1 Wait State support; new sections on the Error Recovery Procedures and the OLTEP programs, and the STAE and SPIE macro instructions; corrections to FORTRAN H data management capabilities. The document should be reviewed in its entirety. Other changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indi- cated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol

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