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Now downloading free:Keithley Materials Devices EGuide

Keithley Materials Devices EGuide free download

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w w w . k e i t h l e y . c o m | a g r e a t e r m e a s u r e o f c o n f i d e n c e Exploring the boundaries of materials science or device development? Learn the latest techniques for ensuring electrical measurement accuracy Semiconductor Parameter Analysis 2 | Pulsed I-V Testing of Compound Semi Devices/Materials 4 | C-V Characterization of Solar Cells 6 | Low Current Measurement of New Devices/Materials 8 | I DDq Testing 10 Ultra-Low Current Measurements 12 | Focused ion Beam Current Monitoring 14 | Hall Effect & Graphene-Based Materials 16 | Characterization of Small Crystals 18 | High Power Semi Device Testing 20 Semiconductor Parameter Analysis 2 | Pulsed I-V Testing of Compound Semi Devices/Materials 4 | C-V Characterization of Solar Cells 6 | Low Current Measurement of New Devices/Materials 8 | I DDq Testing 10 Ultra-Low Current Measurements 12 | Focused ion Beam Current Monitoring 14 | Hall Effect & Graphene-Based Materials 16 | Characterization of Small Crystals 18 | High Power Semi Device Testing 20 Learn how you can get better correlation of results when you perform multiple measurement types on a single system Characterizing a semiconductor device, material, or process thoroughly requires the ability to make three types of measurements: precision DC I-V measurements, AC impedance measurements (often made with a C-V meter), and ultra-fast or transient I-V measurements. Until recently, labs might have required three separate test systems to obtain all three measurement types. In addition to added expense, using multiple systems makes it difficult to combine different measurement types in a single application or to correlate the results from different types of measurements accurately. Learn more. Investigate how to get better Remote amplifier/switches and the multi-measurement performance cabling results correlation at a lower cost. used to connect them to the probe manipulators on the wafer prober are critical to integrating accurate ultra-fast I-V, C-V, and precision DC I-V Download our free white paper. measurements into the same parametric analysis system. Let us of

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