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A G u i d e to S w i tc h c o n S i d e r At i o n S | by Signal Type w w w. k e i t h l e y. c o m A g r e At e r m e A s u r e o f c o n f i d e n c e oPen indeX cloSe yo u r g u i d e To C r e aT i n g h i G h P e r f o r m A n c e S w i t c h i n G A P P l i c At i o n S w w w. k e i t h l e y. c o m | introduction To design a test system that meets your requirements for accuracy and bAttery teStinG precision, you need to select appropriate instruments, apply creativity in batteries are used in a rapidly expanding variety of consumer and industrial designing test methods, and pay careful attention to specifications and error applications. Their testing requirements typically depend on their chemistry, terms. Most test system applications are complex enough that it is in the size, specific use, and whether the cells are primary or secondary. designer's best interest to minimize the number of uncontrolled variables. To accomplish this, the system switch performance should be tightly specified. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries are commonly tested using discharge and charge cycling. The discharge characteristics of a secondary battery provide Special consideration should be given to tests that approach the specified important information about the battery's capacity and life. Charging/discharging limits of accuracy, resolution, or sensitivity of the measurement or sourcing a battery often takes several hours, so it is usually desirable to connect several instruments. These generally represent the "most critical test requirements," batteries in series in order to charge and discharge them simultaneously. The and switching should be selected to support these tests. An application voltage of each battery can be monitored during charging and discharging using designed to perform against the "most critical test requirements" will usually

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