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Now downloading free:Keithley 251RevB DocSpec

Keithley 251RevB DocSpec free download

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IVERVIEW OPERATING SYSTEM: MSDOS or PC-DOS 3.2 (minimum) NSTRUMENTS CONTROLLED: Model 236/237/?38 Source Measure GRAPHICS ADAPTER: EGA or VGA color, VGA monochrome. Uruts(SMU),Model213QuadVoltlgeSource,Model707MatnxS~t~. COMPATIBLE PRINTERS: IBM Graphics printers, Epson or compatible Model 2361 Trigger Gmtmller is requtred for 2 or more SMUs. HP LaserJet, IBM Proprinter, and Okidata Microline 182. BSTS: Conhol Instruments to source and measure current or voltage. COMPATIBLE PLOTTERS: HP7440, Hl'7470, HP7475. CurveF~mily:SWEEP,SMJCHSWEEP,~,andupto3BIASchannels, COMPATIBLE MOUSE: Miuosoft or Logitecb Linear, log. Itnear pulsed and log pulsed sweeps. DC Source-Mcaswe: Up to 6 BIAS C"annels. :PIB CONTROL: Provides basic mntrol of any GPIB tnstrumenL Useful far controtung source, switch matrices, hot chu&s, and probers. IEEE-488 (GPIB) INTERFACE CARDS SUPPORTED `07 MATRIX SUPPORT: Upload and download setups (up to 1W Advantezh PCL 748 llWWXi`ZS). B&CPC488A ,ATA DISPLAY: Graphic or List display. BBS GPlBlKXl XY or XW Graph Axes: Manual or auto scale, linear or log, labeled X- Capital Fqutpment PC<*, 4x488, I%>488 axis and Y-ads invert. Contec GPIB (PC) ovalay two sets of reference data on onginal. Hewlett Packard HPIB IBM GI'IB board ^RAPHICANALYSIS:DualdataLlwemarkerswrthdatavaluereadout. KS 4&wc1 Line Dieplay: Between markem. Readout slope, I/slope, X- and Y- lOtech GP48R~ Glw.R,2 intercept. Zoom between markers. Filter data curve. Keithh :y PC-W-CEC, 4-W.CEGOM, 4.48~CEC-IM, PS-483.CEC G~in/R~tioCal~lation:DCordifferentiial.Dataarray~rpoint.Graphic Mekal 3yte 13488 display orreadoutreferexedto markapnsttion. Used for Beta, g. or M.tinr ,al lnstrvments GI'IBPC, GPIBPCII, GPIBPClIA, .--_. GPIBl'ClII, reslst?.nce. MC-GPIB, AT-G1 ?IB ?RINTf,`LOT:Hardcopyo"tputof any ~-topnn

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