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Now downloading free:IBM Y28-6610 LinkEdit E PLM Jun67

IBM Y28-6610 LinkEdit E PLM Jun67 free download

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File name Y28-6610_LinkEdit_E_PLM_Jun67.pdf

File No. S360-31 Form Y28-6610-2 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System Linkage Editor (E) Program Logh: Manual Program Number 360S-ED-510 This publication describes the internal logic of the 15K and 18K versions of the level E linkage editor. The linkage editor combines and edits modules to produce a single load module that can be loaded into main storage by the control program. The linkage editor operates as a processing program rather than as a part of the control program. This program logic manual is directed to the IBM customer engineer who is responsible for program main- tenance. It can be used to locate specific areas of the program, and it enables thE~ reader to relate these areas to the corresponding program listings. Because program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use, distribution of this manual is restricted to persons wit:h program-maintenance responsibilities. Restricted Distribution Form Y28-6610-2 Page revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6400 PREFACE ------.-.-- This publication provides customer The major divisions of the pr~Jram and engineers and other technical personnel the relationships among them are also with information describing the internal described in this section. organization and logic of the level E linkage editor. It is part of an inte- 2. A section describing each naj~r divi- grated library of IBM System/360 Operating sion of the 15K and 18K versions of System Program Lo~ic Manuals. Other publi- linkage editor E. Each major division cations that are required for an under- is discussed in sufficient detail to standing of the linkage editor are: enable the reader to understand its basic functions, and to provide a I~M Sysb~m/360 Operating System: Intro- frame of reference for the c~mments duction to Control Program _ L09.!.

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