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Now downloading free:IBM SC33-0009-2 PLIoptRef Sep72

IBM SC33-0009-2 PLIoptRef Sep72 free download

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SC33-0009-2 OS PL/I Checkout and Optimizing Compilers: Program Product Language Reference Manual Program Number 5734-PL 1 (This program product is available as part of composite package 5734-PL3) Program Number 5734-PL2 Third Edition (September 1972) This is a reprint of SC33-0009-1, incorporating changes released in the following Technical Newsletter: SN33-6036 (dated November 5th,1972) This edition applies to Release 1.0 of the OS PLII Optimizing Compiler, and all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the information in this publication; before using it in connection with operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography SRL Newsletter, Order No. GN20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd., Programming Publications, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England. Comments become the property of IBM. ~ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 197n, 1971 Preface This publication is planned for use as a USE OF THIS PUBLICATION reference book by the PLII programmer. It is not a tutorial publication, but is designed for the reader who already has a This puhlication is designed as a reference knowledge of the language and who requires book for the PLII programmer. Its two-part a source of reference material. format allows a presentation of the material in such a way that references can be found quickly, in as much or as little The publication is in two parts. Part I detail as the user needs. contains discussions of concepts of the language. Part II contains detained rules Part I, "Concepts of PL/I," is composed and syntactic descriptions. of discussions and examples that explain the different features of the language and Although implementation information is their interrelationships. To reduce the included, the book is not a complete need for cross referpnces and to allow each description of any implementation chapter to stand alone as a complete environment. In general, it contains reference to its subject, some information information nE~eded to write a program that is repeated from one chapter to another. will be processed by the OS

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