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Now downloading free:Keithley KPCI-PIO32IO AN

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Number 2376 Application Note Migration to PCI-Based KPCI-PIO32IOA Series and KPCI-PDISO8A from ISA Equivalents The next few pages concentrate on two of these digital I/O Introduction boards, examine some digital I/O applications using these PCI New computer designs incorporate fast processors at speeds boards, and help make the transition from a PIO-32IO to a greater than 1GHz and new bus designs (PCI and AGP) that can KPCI-PIO32IOA or from a PDISO-8 to a KPCI-PDISO8A. use these fast processor speeds. Early design specifications of the nearly 25-year-old ISA bus are more and more difficult to sup- port in cooperation with the new designs found in computers An Overview of Keithley's from mainstream vendors. As a consequence, computers with ISA slots are difficult to find. While industrial PC manufacturers Digital I/O Offering still provide computer systems or motherboards with ISA slots, a The PCI bus-based KPCI-PIO32IOA offers 32 lines of optically premium is paid for these configurations. This is often the moti- isolated digital I/O (16 inputs/16 outputs). The KPCI-PDISO8A vating factor for migration to PCI boards. offers 16 lines of optically isolated digital I/O (8 inputs/8 out- puts). These boards can directly switch and sense up to 60V, This document is for customers who currently use one of 350mA, which makes them ideal for controlling industry stan- Keithley's ISA-based digital switching boards, such as the dard 12V, 24V, and 48V loads. These new boards expand PDISO-8, PIO-32 Series, REL-16 Series, and PIO-HV. This doc- Keithley's offering of PCI digital I/O boards by filling the gap ument focuses primarily on two boards, the PDISO-8 and the between the TTL solution (5V, 64mA) and the external signal PIO-32I/O. conditioning relay solution (220V, 3A). The external interrupt and latching capability of the KPCI-PIO32IOA and KPCI- Background Information PDISO8A is ideal for synchronizing digital inputs with other sig- nals in the system. These boards also serve as a replacement for An ISA board (Industrial Standard Archite

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