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Now downloading free:IBM GC33-0004-0 PLI Optimizing Compiler General Info Mar70

IBM GC33-0004-0 PLI Optimizing Compiler General Info Mar70 free download

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Interlanguage Communication usual way -- by a CALL statement, or alternatively, for FORTRAN and PL/I, a function reference. Facilities are available which allow procedures compiled by the PL/I Optimizing Compiler to communicate at execution time The interlanguage communication with programs compiled by any IBM COBOL facilities are requested in the PLII compiler or by the IBM F-level FORTRAN IV procedure by the COBOL or FORTRAN option of compiler for the System/360 Disk Operating the OPTIONS attribute or option. The System. remapping of COBOL structures and transposing of FORTRAN arrays, which would Thus, it is possible for existing COBOL then normally take place, can be completely and FORTRAN users to write new applications or partially suppressed by the NOMAP, in PL/I while still utilizing existing NOMAPIN, and NOMAPOUT options. The INTER libraries of COBOL and FORTRAN programs; in option can be used to specify that the addition, existing applications can be COBOL and FORTRAN interrupts which would modified by the use of PL/I procedures. otherwise be handled by the system are to Communication between programs written be handled by the PL/I interrupt handling in different languages is specified in the facilities. Chapter 1: The DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler 9 ====::.= - ---.= - - -- - - - - --- - - --- - -- -- - -=~- - - - _.- Program Product File No. S360-29 Order No. GC33-0004-0 IBM System/360 Disk Operating System PL/I Optimizing Compiler General Information Program Number 5764-PL 1 This publication is a planning aid only. It is intended for use prior to the availability of the following IBM System/360 program products:

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