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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-6800-5 PLI(F) PLM Dec71

IBM GY28-6800-5 PLI(F) PLM Dec71 free download

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File name:GY28-6800-5_PLI(F)_PLM_Dec71.pdf
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Model:GY28-6800-5 PLI(F) PLM Dec71 🔎
Original:GY28-6800-5 PLI(F) PLM Dec71 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 pli GY28-6800-5_PLI(F)_PLM_Dec71.pdf
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File name GY28-6800-5_PLI(F)_PLM_Dec71.pdf

File No. 5360-29 Order No. GY28-6800-S Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System PLII (F) Compiler Program Logic Manual Program Number 3BDS-NL-Sll This manual describes the internal design of the I~M System/360 Operating System PL/I (F) Compiler. It is aimed at personnel responsible for analyzing program operations, diagnosing malfunctions, and cha~ging the program format for special or national language usage. The information provides a guide for effective use of the program listings. Proqramlogic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the program; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to those described above. r-----------------------------------------------------------, Sixth Edition (December 1971) This is a minor revision of, and obsoletes, Y28-6800-4 and incorporates Technical Newsletters GN33-6018 and GY33-6017. Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol

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