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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-6692-2 OS Operator Procedures Release 21 May72

IBM GC28-6692-2 OS Operator Procedures Release 21 May72 free download

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File name GC28-6692-2_OS_Operator_Procedures_Release_21_May72.pdf

File No. S360-20 Order No. GC28-6692-2 OS Systems Reference Library IBM System/3S0 Operating System: Operator's Procedures This book is for the operator of an IBM System/360 Operating system and is to be used with the Operator's Reference, GC28-6691. This book contains procedures for running the three major system types: Primary Control Program (PCP); Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of tasks (MFT); and Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (MVT). It also contains operator procedures that apply to all three systems. Operator control panel procedures on tear out sheets are provided for the Operator's console. Preface To run the operating system, you must have the required books listed below, as well as this procedures book. In addition, you are encouraged to read the recommended books. Required Books IBM System/360 Operating System: Operator's Reference, GC28-6691 Messages and Codes, GC28-6631 If you have a display tube console you will need: Operator's Guide for Display Consoles, GC27-6949 Recommended Books IBM System/360 Operating System: Utilities, GC28-6586 Job Control Language Reference, GC28-6704 Third Edition (May, 1972) This is a reprint of GC28-6692-1 incorporating changes released in the following Technical Newsletters: GN28-2474 (dated June 1,1971) GN28-2508 (dated January 15, 1972) Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Publications Development, Department D58, Building 706-2, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602. Comments become the property of IBM.

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