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Now downloading free:RCA TX81 FAULT & DATABASE

RCA TX81 FAULT & DATABASE free download

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Analyzing the RCA TX81/82 Horizontal Output Stage The horizontal output stage found in the RCA or GE TX81 or TX82 chassis differs from conventional TV horizontal output stages. While the TVA92 TV Video Analyzer's Horizontal Out put Load and Dynamic Tests can analyze the TX81/82 horizontal output stage, minor changes in the lead connections and test interpretations are required. This Tech Tip briefly describes the operation of the TX81/82 horizontal output stage and explains how to use and interpret the TVA92's Horizontal Output Load and Dynamic Tests. The TX81/82 Horizontal Output Stage The horizontal output stage of most televisions includes six basic components (as shown in Fig. 1a): primary of the flyback, damper diode, retrace capacitor, output transistor, yoke, and yoke series capacitor. A conventional output stage applies a regulated B+ voltage from the Fig. 1b: The non-conventional horizontal output stage found in the RCA or GE power supply to the flyback primary. The TX81/82 television chassis. other side of the primary winding connects During normal operation, the horizontal to the collector of the horizontal output output transistor is switched on by base transistor. drive producing an increasing primary current and magnetic field. When the transistor is turned off, the flyback's magnetic field collapses, charging the retrace capacitor. When fully collapsed, the retrace capacitor discharges, producing current in the flyback primary resulting in a magnetic field. With the retrace capacitor discharged, the flyback's magnetic field collapses and biases on the damper diode to complete the hori- zontal cycle. For a detailed explanation of

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