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Now downloading free:RCA RCA-GE CTC186 187 Training

RCA RCA-GE CTC186 187 Training free download

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[preview RCA-GE CTC186 187 Training]
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Model:RCA-GE CTC186 187 Training 🔎
Original:RCA-GE CTC186 187 Training 🔎
Descr: RCA TV
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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CTC186/187 SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS - CHASSIS/TUNER ALIGNMENT Service Menu The service menu is provided to facilitate instrument volume +/- keys before other parameters may be selected. alignment and service adjustments. The service menu is NOTE: If the channel up/down buttons are pressed without accessed by pressing two combinations of buttons on the front the correct security pass-number set, the service panel keyboard. With the instrument on press and hold the mode is exited. menu button and simultaneously press the power button, then There are three main groups of parameters: the service while continuing to hold the menu button release the power adjustment parameters, the chassis alignment parameters, and button and press the volume + button. The instrument should the tuner alignment parameters. The chassis and tuner immediately display a one line menu on the screen, release alignment parameters are each preceded by a security pass- buttons. number for added protection. Most of the service adjustment and chassis alignment parameters correspond to individual PARAMETER VALUE (unpacked) register fields in the T-Chip. When these CONTROLLED CONTROLLED parameters are modified, the T-Chip and the corresponding BY BY EEPROM location is updated. CHAN v w VOLUME +/- NOTE: When setting the kine bias/drive parameters, the P00 V00 Menu button may be used to enable the vertical collapse setup line-it functions as a toggle. The setup line has the following characteristics: -Selects S- The decimal value on the left is the parameter number and Video source (make sure no signal is connected to the decimal value on the right is the current value of that the S-Video input); -Contrast is automatically set to parameter. The channel up and down buttons increment and minimum; -Brightness is set to 7.5 IRE; -Vertical kill decrement the parameter number. The volume + and the is enabled. When the setup line is toggled off, the volume - buttons adjust the current value of that parameter. characteristics modified above will return to their There are three parameter catagories which are used for prior settings. Changing to another parameter (with security reasons. They are employ

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