Make | Model | Problem | Solution | Date |
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Found: 242
Amstrad | 3021 | Bright pic with fb lines | R111 220k on crt base | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | 3021N | Dead | Q1 BUZ90A s/c, F01 2A o/c, R1 270k 1w o/c, R5 680k also replaced | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | 3121N 11AK12 | St/by only - psu o/ps present except 12 & 8v | IC301 (CTV352/V1.4) and IC302 (ST24C02AB1). | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | 3128N | Dead | C599 2,200pf s/c, Q101 BUZ90AF s/c, R101 5R6 5w o/c | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | 3128N | Hor black lines thro' pic | C454 10µ 25v o/c | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | 3128NF | Int pic break up | Line dr Tr replaced & increase feed res from 1 to 2k | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CT3028 | No signals or tuning volts | R124 15k o/c | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1000 | Blank white raster , sound control o/c | Q7601 ( 25C1675 ) , C7901 ( 240pf ) S/C tune/f | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1000 | Line collapse | Dry joints line lin coil L7702 | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1000 | Line hold drifts int. | Dry on line hold control | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1000 | Raster - blank - sound Ok. | Q7601 ( 2SC1675 ) C7901 ( 240PF ) S/C | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV12 | Weak/no sound | R151 39k near lh edge of pcb o/c | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Buzzing - intermittent. | Adjustable capacitor on sound IF subpanel. | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Col flickers/fback lines | F o/p tr Q702 coll only 32v (62v) - C739 100µ o/c | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Dead | Fusible R529 0R68 1w Pt no 242741 | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Dead - int | Crack in print between pin 6 LOPTX and R749 | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Dead - int dead. | Drys around STK. | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Dead - int. | Line transistor Q705 collector connection o/c. | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | dead except for slight buzz | HT ok but not reaching lop tr - break in print between lopt pin 11 & lop tr | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Dead lop tr s/c | Dry joints line dr tfmr T701 | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Dead with whine from psu | dry joints line dr tfmr | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Flyback lines & colour flickering | C739 ( 100u f ) o/c | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Flyback/Txt lines at top of screen | C739 100µ 50v hi esr | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | int dead | dry joints lop tr (look ok by sight) | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Int Dead | IC502 STR451 gets hot - T501 chopper tfmr faulty | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Int line sync on chan change | D715 & D704 faulty | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Int pic - once a week touch | Int A1 due to LOPTx faulty | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Int sound level & buzz | Adj cap on sound if sub panel | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | Loses Line Sync during Channel Change | D715 & D704 | 14-09-04 |
Amstrad | CTV1400 | No line sync during channel change. | Replace zeners D715 & D704. | 14-09-04 |