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Found: 242
AmstradCTV1600Frame - no field scan.R709 ( 22k ) in series with field hold control o/c.14-09-04
AmstradCTV200No sound or pictureR726 ( 1ohm , 1W ) O/C14-09-04
AmstradCTV2000DeadCheck C509 for o/c Or R726 ( 1k ) o/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2000Distorted sound.R313 high in value.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2000Field collapseCheck V at pin 9 TDA3652 ( 28V ) & V at pins 12 & 15 LA7800 .If no 12V at pin 12 R840 ( 10ohm ) 2Watt o/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2000Field top foldoverC720 4µ7 160v14-09-04
AmstradCTV2000Int going off.LOPTX arcing.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2000Reduced height/foldoverC720 4µ 160v o/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2020/2028 Bush 2866Searches but finds no sigsR124 15K 2W O/C located behind the PSU in the centre nearest the front controls14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110Dead - psu failureApparently C410 was fitted the wrong way in some sets causing R 418 & R419 to overheat which causes the power supply to fail and heat damage to the PCB 14-09-04

AmstradCTV2110Dead - psu workingIC302 AN5601 jungle chip s/c at supply pin. When replaced, sparks from crack in print under lopt- repair & new AN5601 chip14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110Field collapseZD403 12v zener s/c & R435 5R6 o/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110HT reg poorC409 & C410 47µ14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110No soundR368 2k2, D302/303 in sound mute cct damaged by arcing under lopt14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110No syncR395 82k connected to pin 30 of AN5601K jungle chip14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110pic. varying in size or dead (may be intermittent)it is a common fault with DJ's on Q406, however, it didn't survive in my case. So Q406 2SC2335 s/c and DJ, Q405 2SA1013 s/c, R421 1.5 kOhm 0.25W o/c.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2110Stuck in standby.ZD403 S.C. - R435 OC. FIELD STAGE ALSO CHECK C409 AND C410. 12v ZENER , 5.6ohm , 47mfd14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200After few hours top of pic compressesC812 ( 0.018uF ) 160V ( in feedback TDA3652 & LA7800 )14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Blows line dr & o/p trdry joints line dr tfmr14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200DeadDry joint On L503 , Q503 , D806 o/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200DeadD806 s/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead - blowing line o/p transistor.Change C845 ( 4.7u f ) , C853/4 ( 1u f ) , C815 ( 0.01u f ) , C862 if on.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead - blown fuse.R814 ( 27ohm ) line o/p & chopper transistor , C845 ( 4.7uf )14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead - blown fuse.Line o/p Q802 , Chopper Q802 , R501 , F502 fuse.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead - chopper tr s/cR814 27R 20w o/c due to C845 4µ 250v s/c14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead - int.Drys on T801 , T803 & coil L503.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead No obvious S/C no StBy lightCheck 12V reg IC103 & C524 ( 470uF )14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead.R501 ( 5.6ohm 5W ) o/c.14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead.R814 ( 27ohm , 20w ) , fuse , chopper tran , C845 4.7uf14-09-04
AmstradCTV2200Dead.Q501 , Q802 , Q503 caused by drys on transformer T801.14-09-04
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